I discovered last week the development plans for the block next to us on the BCC website. The house was sold in 2015; tenants have been living there since and moved out a few weeks ago. It's a corner block, and 650m2. The plans didn't require public notification :shock:; no idea why, but I guess because they met all of council requirements? We were surprised when the tenants mentioned the house would be demolished as they were moving out; we hadn't seen the usual development sign go up at all in the past 2 years, and we fully expected whoever bought the house to develop it in some way.
The current house will be cut down slightly, fully renovated, raised, etc, and moved to the border next to our house. Two other lots will be created, each with a new two-storey house on it. The middle lot will be a whole 186m2!!!
Not surprised too much by the development - roughly the same thing happened a street away from us in the past two years. Just surprised that it could be done with no public notice at all. Oh well. Hope the new neighbours we get in a year or however long (no work has started yet) like a chatty 11yo who likes to make friends with neighbours!!