Someone being home during the day has saved us a couple of times. One advantage of being a shiftworker. We have a battleaxe block fronting a reserve which burglars apparently like as they have 2 means of escape.
One guy knocked on the front door and woke the boss up, but she didn't answer the door, he started going around the windows hoping to find something open. Eventually the boss opned the front door and yelled what do you want? The reply was "do you know where the nearest shops are?", yeah right!
Another time mrsC was in the kitchen but out of sight, another guy came up the grass from the reserve and headed towards the sliding door which was open, but the screen was shut. He was surprised to see the boss and when asked what did he want, he replied that he was looking for his dog. Again, yeah right!
Later that afternoon one of our neighbours who also happens to be a policeman told us that he had been broken into. Co-incidence, don't think so.
As I say to mrsC, it only takes a few seconds for someone to enter through an unlocked door and walk out with a wallet or something.