Not sure if anyone else has this problem at work but I thought I would ask.
Usually when you spend most of the day on the phone talking to customers and other suppliers if someone tries to call you they will get the busy signal and probably think that you have a fair bit of work on. Same with people in your office, they will notice that you have some paper on your desk, and probably understand that you have a fair bit on so won't add more to the pile especially if it is a trivial matter and might even try and solve the problem themselves, but now to add to the mix you have email. There is no queueing system for them they just keep coming in one after the other and you wonder how you are going to get through them all, add then to the mix the spam email that gets in the way.
Sometimes you keep stuff in the inbox and think you will read it when you have some spare time, like hell you do and sometimes you just keep stuff in the inbox hoping that you might get around to eventually or that someone else will take care of the problem.
The worst problem is that someone tries to call you, you are busy so they send you an email.
Am I alone with these problems.