Still wet outside, but I wanted to walk the High Line, it’s a really cool piece of urban architecture and a really great idea – I’m sure it’s lovely when it’s not pissing down rain!
I abandoned that plan and after walking Chelsea a little more, I conceded I couldn’t be outside today, so headed back to the hotel to drop my bags and head to MONA.
My new room wasn’t ready unfortunately, so I just dropped off my things and headed back out. It was raining even harder now, and it turns out I wasn’t the only one in NYC to think of going to MONA when it’s wet out.
Half of Manhattan’s tourists were forming a snaking line outside and my hotel umbrella had already succumb to the islands winds, so I wasn’t about to stand outside waiting unprotected!
Instead I plugged Niketown into Google Maps and headed there to get my girlfriend some new runners she wanted.
After 5 levels on mayhem I had to head back to the hotel to chill out, do some work, and book a broadway show!
The new room was ready and was MUCH better than my other one. It was a King Bed on a high floor. Room 1906.

It felt more spacious because of the larger foyer area, plenty of room for luggage. It also had a HEAPS better view, and way more natural light. The other room looked across the alleyway to an office building.

I couldn’t get tickets to Of Mice and Men with James Franco, so I instead decided to go and see Bryan Cranston in All the Way, as I was a big Breaking Bad fan.
The man can act! I know nothing about American politics or LBJ, but I was engrossed in this play from the very beginning, it really was incredible and I highly recommend it.
I heard from all the whispers that there was someone important in the audience – Secretary of something….the 20 odd not-so-secret-service standing around was also a bit of a giveaway.
Probably should of taken a jacket to the Theatre, as I walked out into this.

I abandoned that plan and after walking Chelsea a little more, I conceded I couldn’t be outside today, so headed back to the hotel to drop my bags and head to MONA.
My new room wasn’t ready unfortunately, so I just dropped off my things and headed back out. It was raining even harder now, and it turns out I wasn’t the only one in NYC to think of going to MONA when it’s wet out.
Half of Manhattan’s tourists were forming a snaking line outside and my hotel umbrella had already succumb to the islands winds, so I wasn’t about to stand outside waiting unprotected!
Instead I plugged Niketown into Google Maps and headed there to get my girlfriend some new runners she wanted.
After 5 levels on mayhem I had to head back to the hotel to chill out, do some work, and book a broadway show!
The new room was ready and was MUCH better than my other one. It was a King Bed on a high floor. Room 1906.

It felt more spacious because of the larger foyer area, plenty of room for luggage. It also had a HEAPS better view, and way more natural light. The other room looked across the alleyway to an office building.

I couldn’t get tickets to Of Mice and Men with James Franco, so I instead decided to go and see Bryan Cranston in All the Way, as I was a big Breaking Bad fan.
The man can act! I know nothing about American politics or LBJ, but I was engrossed in this play from the very beginning, it really was incredible and I highly recommend it.
I heard from all the whispers that there was someone important in the audience – Secretary of something….the 20 odd not-so-secret-service standing around was also a bit of a giveaway.
Probably should of taken a jacket to the Theatre, as I walked out into this.

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