what's with the interest in 'the pack'?
Who cares? My primary level of interest is the benefits, another plastic card is of little value.
Does everyone put all these things on their bags? I only have them on checked bags for the NGCI system.
To clarify - I'm not trying to be rude or insulting; serious questions - what's the attraction to the pack?
I really do not understand the fuss either. Perhaps some people like to have the proof in front of them.
Personally I could not care less and have not opened either of the packs that arrived. I think first one was reddish in colour and the second one was white.
I still use the temporary Platinum card for check-in and lounge access.
Surely you can't be serious with that question?
Most of us on this forum are frequent flyers to some degree or another. Anyone, who for work
has to endure the grind of airport transfers, waiting, checkin, waiting, boarding, waiting, sitiing, waiting, off loading, waiting, luggage collection, waiting, transfers etc just to earn a buck are most likely (if they're like me) very appreciative of some light entertainment and privilege status. Without doubt, DJ have honed in on this and the pack is part of that distraction from the mundane to something tangible. Let yourself go with the festivity (if that's the word) of the occasion. Let yourself get a bit excited with the changes and you might find it's all a bit of.......fun!
I've enjoyed the last few months and from the banter on this forum, I'd say others have too. I certainly don't let it distract me too much from my main objective of flying to make a quid, but it's added a minor distraction to the mundane. I'd say these packs were quite expensive for DJ, but I reckon they too got value from them with all the chatter about them and other changes. Word of mouth is a very powerful form of advertising and DJ certainly managed plenty of word of mouth chat, not just about the packs, but about the product, with (if this forum can be any kind of guide) very little negativity and lots of positive reaction. Seems like a progressive way of marketing to me that works for the advertiser and is largely unobtrusive and even a bit of fun for the recipient.
As for you guys, if you don't like the pack, the little round thing in the corner of the room is called the bin. By all means use it! And yes I do have the luggage tags permanently on my most used travel pieces (after all, they regularly get used on a weekly or so basis)........I think that's the idea :shock:
EDIT: I just noticed, I missed the most important thing I was going to say.......the pack itself is all about presentation. Most of you exec types would have had the need to make a presentation (often in person) to your valued (or hope to be valued) clients. DJ obviously couldn't do that personally to every Gold and Platinum FFer, but they've certainly managed to professionally pesent us with our membership status. You slide that pack open, and both ends simultaneously and gracefully opens, presenting you, the valuable client, with your membership status cards.
Would a Woollies Home Brand white "rip and stick" envelope have done the job? Yes.
Would it have imparted to us the same level of confidence in DJ appreciating our business? Not on your life.