I am not one who gets the vim deals, however all this talk about the saltram no.1 reminds me of the forty odd minute chat i had with nigel dolan way back in the late ninetees at the templestowe cellars south oz winetasting weekend event. Here I had the chance to chat with many doyens, including the lady who used to make Annies Lane whose name escapes me. Let me tell you it is quite an honour to meet these folks who made the products that give you such immense joy and satisfaction. Back to Nigel. Well as it happens, Nigel made the second best wine I have ever had, namely the 1996 Mamre Brook Cab. Here he was in the liquor shop standing behind a counter with his babies ready for tasting. Included of course was his flagship, Numero Uno and plenty of others including the Mamre 96ers, the cab and shiraz. After tasting many, I replied that I thought the Mamre 6 was better than his all, including the One, to which he replied, ' I agree". Then we discussed marketing, value, and life in general. Might have been the year, might have been the varietal in that year, might have been the great man, but some things never change - good wine makes for good memories. Speaking of which, had a 2003 Mamre Shiraz last saturday night and it was good. Very good.