On Monday 9 September, winds at SYD were gusting to 50kmh at 0940 hours so once again this major airport has been down at times to using only the east-west runway.
VA816 (B738 VH-VUL, the 0800 hours SYD down to MEL took off at 0947 so arrival should be about 1104 hours, 89 late. While winds in MEL have moderated, this morning they've been gusting as high as 57kmh at the airport so not an ideal day for airlines on our busiest domestic route.
The 0745 hours MEL - SYD (VA817) was in the sky at 0934 so arrival will be 1053 or later, at least 103 minutes late for B738 VH-YFW. Some aircraft are having to hold above Goulburn so this won't help.
The following VA819, the 0800 hours, took off at 1004 with VH-YIB. A 113 minute late arrival at 1118 hours is the prediction.
VA633, the 0805 hours CBR short hop to SYD was airborne at 1011 hours with ATR72 VH-FVQ. Arrival should be at about 1104 hours, 119 minutes late.
Many of these delays will be impossible to recover from today unless the aircraft has a lengthy layover during the offpeak middle of the day.