For those of us lucky (cursed) enough to have lived through the gyrations of the 80s & 90s in the financial/business world - it is clear that THIS TIME IS NOT DIFFERENT, merely a variation on a theme.
VA's survival depends on two key factors IMHO. One - public perception. Two - political expediancy.
Q will survive = guaranteed, no question, take whatever odds you're offered to the contrary. It is a done deal, the Chairman's Club has much to do with it but not 100%.
Due to the global resourcing issue then CV (China Virus...

) is going to be a multi-year issue unfortunately. Countries like Pakistan, Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan almost guarantee this. Just like it took decades to 'nearly' eradicate small pox - these countries were amongst those most lagging and their respective situations have only deteriorated in the last 20 years. Their supply of low-cost workers to the Asia/Africa/Middle East region = transmission continues.
The distrust of the West, such as in Pakistan, ensures so.
This is the background facing VA & Q.
Despite massive advances in medical technology there is yet to be ONE SUCCESSFUL vaccine developed for any Corona virus. I hope this time will be different but that & $3 gets a cup of coffee. Hope is not a bankable business plan.
So resumption of international tourism is more likely to be a very restrictive or restricted environment. This is far more damaging for Q, especially with their pivot to get out of their Emirates deal (debacle?). Project Sunrise is all about taking back the farm given away to Emirates. For VA, IMHO, the key issue is maintaining their venture with SIA, and VFF deals with SIA, EY especially.
In the international environment outlined - the partners bear 95% of the adverse conditions/costs while VA maintains the 'virtual network'.
Absent a vaccine, then international tourism may well only resurface in any meaningful & bare breakeven way on a 3 year time frame. If I'm right then VA will get 'Govt' help because Q will not survive without it. VA with some funding can survive far longer than Q can with an international new order. To date, not that I've seen, there has been no 'other side' detailed analysis by anyone on Q nor seemingly any airline with such an international baseline.
The financial community is '
I suspect AJ & co have run the numbers on such a scenario and seen that Q is in serious trouble which is why they're desperate to kill VA as quickly as possible before the focus turns to Q. Q's much vaunted cost structure does not work if load factors are below 70-75% for international with all planes maximising flying hours.
Whilst much focus has been on VA, and the rumours, Q's sale & leaseback of the terminals and some other facilities has a VERY nasty impact on their cost structure that was not there previously (Q grounding etc). Given the paucity of international QFF redemptions that existed pre-CV, the post-CV world I see will have maybe 1/40th the number available.
Meanwhile if VA makes it through the current domestic lockdown, & their advisers/strategists seem far more switched on than previously, then slowly building up the very profitable few pairs such as SYD MEL can see them once again generating positive cashflow & I bet this is what they've revealed to the Fed Govt in talks to date.
Given the Fed Govt traditional 'leakage' to Q then Q knows VA's plan well and it's only hope is to drive VA under before such a scenario plays out.
So, if VA can hold on until July then Q is going to look very shaky.
Or I may be wrong....