I don’t know what hotels you lot are staying at, but right now I have:
- Electrical sockets on both sides of the bed, at the desk, at the tea/coffee nook, in the bathroom and bonus ones near the TV and bottom of a wall (where I’ve used the iron!). If I had a stick, there would be more power points than I could shake it at.
- a bathtub with normal taps and faucet and a shower wand at one end of the bath.
- a separate shower with both normal shower head and a wand shower head. To switch between shower heads there is a simple pull button.
- the shower tap is a simple single handle controlling flow and temp.
- three places in the bathroom to hang towels.
- toiletries I can read without my glasses on, in different coloured bottles anyway. And a cake of soap if I want to use that.
- staff that don’t enter the room when I turn the DND light on (most days), but leave a note under the door saying they came to clean the room but didn’t because of the light and if I want anything, to contact reception and it’ll be brought up to me.
- door staff that almost always get to the door before I can open it, even when I get out of a car quickly and try to beat them to it.

- at breakfast my used crockery, glasses and cutlery is cleared almost as I’m finishing using it.
- on entering the spa area to go to the small gym, the staff there have a towel out for me before I even start signing in. And they have the used towel basket open as soon as I head back toward their desk.
- chilled water in the gym and spa area.
- enough hangers in the two wardrobes.
- a safe that works fine and is big enough for my laptop.
- a mini fridge uncluttered by anything.
- there is a band that has played at the little ‘pub bar’, usually Fri/Sat nights.
- a lovely garden surrounding the pool where I often sit for dinner (that generally costs me less than $20).
- no noise from my windows.
- no light coming in through the curtains when I close them.
- light switches marked with names and a master switch beside the bed.
- free wifi.
Melia Purosani Yogyakarta
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Now, let’s talk about the large rat that comes out and runs past me most nights, whilst eating dinner at the pub bar, overlooking the lovely garden… little cough has been too quick so far for me to get a photo!