I had a great day, nice meeting everybody. Sorry if I didn't get around to introduce myself to everybody..
The highlights of my day had to be:
Being told I'm not allowed to stand near a bulkhead/exit row, incase we need to suddenly evacuate. (We were at 35,000ft)
Not moving and hiding, along with everybody else when that evil flight attendant walked by.
Being told "Sir, sit in your seat, and stay there" by the flight attendant when she caught on to what we were doing.
anat0l come out of the F Lounge bathrooms with a bag full of soaps, creams and other assured things he could steal.
The look on the poor girl at Virgin when she saw 15 of us walk into the Lounge, someone holding up a QF Platinum card and saying "Does this let me in?
Thinking everything is going to be quick and simple, as I received by JQ boarding pass at OOL, only to get a txt upon landing from
sam004h to see that T1 went into Meltdown.
Who took the group photo? Can they post the pictures somewhere... We have to do this again in a few months time.. Hopefully we aren't banned form JQ35.