Just back from 6 weeks in UK and Europe - some photos and comments will follow if ever I get organised but, in the meantime a couple of things that RCMO:
1. How is it that every hotel, even from the same chain, has a different mechanism to operate the bath/shower? I must have had to figure out a dozen or more variations. Some had a tap for every option - none of them marked. Some combine everything into one complex mechnism - pull for shower, push for HH spray, turn inner knob for temperature and outer ring for pressure etc. Glad I'm patient. And while on the subject, how about taps you can only operate by stepping under the cold water to operate.
2. How is it that within minutes of finishing an interaction with Hotel, tour company, airline, restaurant, cruise line etc. who receive a survey by phone or email? And some of them are persistent if you do not immediately respond. And some go to a 10-minute multi question survey that asks for written responses. I know everyone wants to publish your glowing social, media report about their service or establishment but so many are just for amalgamation into some management report that nobody will every read. (I know, don't give your real email to anyone but, so often, you need to give a valid contact to complete a booking.)
3. We had Eurail passes so undertook a number of long and short journeys during our time away. We did a few seat reservations, when necessary, but RCO when you get in a carriage to find a couple of travellers have managed to spread out over multiple seats. More prevalent in Europe than the UK but the worst example were a couple of Germanic speakers who had occupied 6 seats for two of them. On one train, the guard had to plead with travellers to take bags off seats to allow others to sit as the train was packed but still some would not oblige.