We have a battle axe property, so long driveway, we have had issues with the neighbour directly behind us before.
Came home today and he was down our driveway, trimming branches over hanging the fence. If he was a sensible, rational person, it wouldn’t be a problem, and I would be happy for him to do this, however due to previous issues, this is not the case.
I asked him if he had asked the boss who was home, if it was alright for him to be on our property, didn’t answer. I explained to him that it was actually our property and he had no right to be there unless agreed to it by us. He swore at me, so I gave him a piece of my mind, although there isn’t much left.

He then hit his pruning tool against the fence.
This is the same guy that left a nasty note in our letterbox complaining we had pruned a hedge that is on our side of the fence line.
The boss also came home one day to find him down our driveway planting a tree against the fence. When questioned as to what he was doing, he said “this is a laneway isn’t it”, meaning that it was public property, wrong.