What cheeses me off

All I took from this was 'woman driver' rather than young people - so looks like the problem here are the women!

But 3 male bike/scooter riders and only 1 female cyclist. So that makes males twice as bad by your reckoning?
I think it is a requirement of the Guvment super reforms. One part of that is a requirement that super contributions (the funds transfer and contribution notice) are paid electronically - called Superstream

Westpac operates a super contribution gateway called QuickSuper. It is the only such Gateway in Australia. My industry super fund has used QuickSuper for employer contribution for years.

"Welcome to the future"

Have you noticed the ATO changes to online services user verification including changes to the webpage to access the ATO activity statement portal?. They don't give clear instructions. I really think the mob that works in the ATO webpage UI have never had to use it.

At least Xero can lodge the BAS directly to ATO from within the application so you don't have to go into the ATO portal.
Yes that's the platform. I understand the regulations but given that it's just a couple of weeks before the Christmas break and NY, it was completely unreasonable for the lack of notice this late. Yesterday. And that it cuts off on Jan 13. They needed to advise us a long time ago to get everything inputted and operational well before now. They would have known about the transfer for some time. Every employee data must be inputted again, from start of work with employer, address and the usuals, TFN, salary, and it took me some time to work out how their new system actually worked. I do not see the need for them to have our banking details, but we could not proceed further without inputting them. Supposedly in case there was a refund. In our thirty years plus of super, we have never required this. But now they are in cyber somewhere with a platform we know nothing about. There has been no explanation from HESTA. Just a 'we are switching' before next super run.
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and most importantly in the same period that the income is earned.

If this was a requirement when compulsory super started we would all have much healthier balances.

For decades, employers in many cases were taking 3-12 months to actually deposit your super earnings (in the mean time they earned interest on your money that they were holding onto instead of you earning a return or using it to cover other expenses).

That is why when many companies fail, employees lose out on their entitlements because their former employer was legally allowed to delay making the deposit to super and also wasnt holding enough cash to cover leave balances.
This has nothing to do with making timely payments. But changing a system of payments at this time of the year with little notice.
This has nothing to do with making timely payments. But changing a system of payments at this time of the year with little notice.

Well lack of timely super payments CMO, as it has reduced my (and most peoples) retirement savings due to employer greed.
Well lack of timely super payments CMO, as it has reduced my (and most peoples) retirement savings due to employer greed.
I suspect that many employers simply won't be able to do the transition in time if they have a large number of employees, and with the closure around Christmas and NY, there won't be staff to manage it nor staff to answer phone queries. Which means there may well be delays in processing payments to the super fund. It certainly runs that risk with large businesses.
WCMO is some religious nutter has started sending spam sms re a fictional deity and their flawed belief of the consequences of not worshiping them.

Absolute nonsense, have blocked number and reported to scam watch as there were multiple dubious links.

I know the government is trying to introduce a Sender ID Registry so that Aussies can trust that sms from a company name not a number can be verified, but they really need to do more to stop number spoofing and remove exemptions for political parties and charities from the do not call register.
If this was a requirement when compulsory super started we would all have much healthier balances.

WCMO is for decades, employers in many cases were taking 3-12 months to actually deposit your super earnings (in the mean time they earned interest on your money that they were holding onto instead of you earning a return or using it to cover other expenses).

That is why when many companies fail, employees lose out on their entitlements because their former employer was legally allowed to delay making the deposit to super and also wasnt holding enough cash to cover leave balances.

WCMO: My current employer only deposits super quarterly. Including my additional contribution. :mad:
WCMO: My current employer only deposits super quarterly. Including my additional contribution. :mad:
SS should always be paid monthly. SG is currently quarterly but it has been changed sometime next year? to be paid with each pay cycle.
WCMO: My current employer only deposits super quarterly. Including my additional contribution. :mad:

Yeah its disgusting practice that has been allowed to go on for far too long, given its just another type of EFT. Losing 3 months (up to 12 months with some companies) of earnings continuously over the last 30 years since super became compulsory is a material hit to ones retirement prosperity.

From 1 July 2026 they wont be allowed to delay anymore and have to initiate the transaction on pay day.

Why this wasn't a requirement from the beginning makes no sense, its not like its a manual task, its all calculated and payments scheduled via payroll IT systems and paid electronically.

When the change was first tabled I thought was due to come into effect this 1-Jul-24 year; no excuse to give employers up another 18 months to get organized, after all super is a known cost of employment and should be budgeted and paid regularly.
WCMO re super - I do my payroll and process super payments monthly on the 1st of the month, every month, for the month.

A couple of months ago, the 1st fell on a Saturday. As luck would have it, the super portal was partially down for maintenance over that weekend. But I was able to do my bit and send off the payments. A couple of days later employees received an email from super fund saying that ' "Gremlin Pty Ltd" has reported payment of your super, but we have not received any funds.' It then included a link to report unpaid super to the ATO.

So it turns out that they had received the funds, but because of THEIR maintenance, it didn't register that they'd received the funds in their comms platform, so they had sent the automated "Gremlin is a bad guy who doesn't pay his staff's super on time" message to my staff.

And the morons I spoke to seemed to think it was only a technical problem and couldn't see why I'd be upset that my staff had received that from them!
WCMO is the the Government provided SBSCH* free service which I have been using since its inception is to be shut down. This forces small business to transition to a commercial service.

* said:
SBSCH decommission. The Small Business Superannuation Clearing House (SBSCH) will be retired from 1 July 2026. The improvement in payroll software solutions over recent years provides employers with cost-effective and higher quality options for paying superannuation contributions more timely and accurately. We will engage with small businesses ahead of time to guide them in transitioning to a commercial alternative that is fit-for-purpose for Payday Super.
If the commercial service guarantees more timely super deposits then that can only be a good thing for employees.
WCMO re super - I do my payroll and process super payments monthly on the 1st of the month, every month, for the month.

A couple of months ago, the 1st fell on a Saturday. As luck would have it, the super portal was partially down for maintenance over that weekend. But I was able to do my bit and send off the payments. A couple of days later employees received an email from super fund saying that ' "Gremlin Pty Ltd" has reported payment of your super, but we have not received any funds.' It then included a link to report unpaid super to the ATO.

So it turns out that they had received the funds, but because of THEIR maintenance, it didn't register that they'd received the funds in their comms platform, so they had sent the automated "Gremlin is a bad guy who doesn't pay his staff's super on time" message to my staff.

And the morons I spoke to seemed to think it was only a technical problem and couldn't see why I'd be upset that my staff had received that from them!
Wow. That is disgraceful. Super funds seem to be lost in their own world sometimes and employers always treated as the bad guy. We had one super fund contact us similarly, saying that our contributions were late. Trouble is, they weren't but they couldn't cope with the fact that we were operating two super funds, one we'd kept going just for the cheap life insurance. My email to them as the employer explained they should not assume that employees only had one super fund account.
Post automatically merged:

WCMO is the the Government provided SBSCH* free service which I have been using since its inception is to be shut down. This forces small business to transition to a commercial service.
What? That is what we use for our other employee super fund payments.

Perhaps some need to appreciate that it's the small targets who get penalised with heavy requirements when likely they are performing perfectly within the legal requirements. And the big guys will still get away with it anyway.
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WCMO is the the Government provided SBSCH* free service which I have been using since its inception is to be shut down. This forces small business to transition to a commercial service.
Most of the small accounting software products have payroll and super built in for free (or as part of set package). If not already using accounting software, then it’s obviously a step up in cost (about $30 pm). Although I’m not sure how a business could be STP compliant without a package these days?
Most of the small accounting software products have payroll and super built in for free (or as part of set package). If not already using accounting software, then it’s obviously a step up in cost (about $30 pm). Although I’m not sure how a business could be STP compliant without a package these days?
I've just looked into Xero and we are on the plan that provides this service but many will have to upgrade. This still requires a manual processing of approvals and the process itself won't guarantee prompt payments to be made even once the pay 'packet' is done and entered . It's an extra thing to do. And therein lies the issue.
Although I’m not sure how a business could be STP compliant without a package these days?
One employee ... the STP service provider does this at no charge. I have avoided using their partnered Superannuation mob.

Anyway I have 18 months to see what happens.
One employee ... the STP service provider allows this at no charge. I have no intention of using their partnered Superannuation mob.
I’ve been using MYOB for several years. It works, although I’m always amazed at how long it takes to post (~5 biz days). Whereas if I throw cash directly across, it’s in my super cash account next day….
I’ve been using MYOB for several years. It works, although I’m always amazed at how long it takes to post (~5 biz days). Whereas if I throw cash directly across, it’s in my super cash account next day….
That's because they have up to 20 days after receiving the funds to apply it to the account.

The pay day super changes would reduce this to 3 days.
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