An experience that drewbles would be impressed with that is most certainly not G-Rated. Mrs here2go and I were visiting an Aussie expat friend (formerly of Canberra), who was telling us that at the end of a meal at Chinese restaurants in Luxembourg, you are presented with nightcap. Lychee wine for the ladies in a pleasant cup, and a shot of "rice wine" for the men. However, when you look at the bottom of the rice-wine cup is a photo of a very naked female. When you finish the shot, the optics of the cup means she disappears once there is no liquid.
Expat friend insisted that these were by far the best souvenir of Luxembourg, so proceeded to take us to a Chinese Supermarket in the CBD to get our souvenirs. We found the cups, and presented our six little cups to the old Chinese woman at the counter, who then asked us in good English why we wanted ones with boys. Suddenly, all 20-odd cups in the store were out, she had a water bottle, and she was squirting water into each of the cups to see what was at the bottom of each cup. We walked away with two boys for my wife and two girls for me.
Lots of giggling at dinner parties subsequently BC with those little cups.
A totally wrong experience, but a memory cherished along with:
* alking to his wife's Uncle who was six during the Battle of the Bulge, who was given his first orange by a GI - and still had pock marks from the battle in his house
* visiting the American war cemetery and admiring the spectacle of the white marble crosses and stars
* Having a conversation expat friend and wife with some Moselle wine-makers friends of theirs where German, French, two different dialects of Luxembourgish, and English were all spoken at the table, with only one person able to translate for all.