If you find a way please post. I'm keen to open a GBP or, moreso, a EUR account. I'm in Europe at the moment but haven't had any luck. A bank in Paris would do it after some paperwork but required a minimum EUR10k balance.
I'll have a look at those.
Incidentally, for anyone looking for similar in the US - Wells Fargo. I dropped by one of their branches several months back wanting to change travellers cheques. The clerk asked if I had an account with them to which I said somewhat pointedly "If I had an account with you I wouldn't need traveller's cheques, would I?" She politely invited me to open an account to which I said, again thinking I had the upper hand "I can't. I'm not a resident". Well apparently that doesn't matter. Fifteen minutes later I'm walking out with a savings accounts, a temporary access card and, gets this, a bloody cheque book! The physical card arrived in Australia a couple of weeks later. Online statements and a good app. Thoroughly recommend them.