We flew J back from NZ last year with our kids. My poor daughter had to wait while at least 10 whY pax used the toilet - and in the end the FA finally held back the tide and let her us the toilet - only to get nasty comments from whY about her pushing in.
FWIW I had told the FA she needed to use the toilets 20 minutes earlier and she was told to wait as there was a queue.
If they enforeced the no whY in J toilets from the start of the flight it woudln't have been an issue.
When I travel in whY I def don't expect to be able to use the J toilets.
That's not really a special need though is it? And - a bit like using a disabled toilet - it's removing that facility from someone who might actually have a valid reason to use it.
I've never understood the 'when you gotta go, you gotta go'. Everyone manages on the train/bus/car to work. A plane is no different.
Perhaps you’re not ageing yet and dealing with the prostate issues that come with it. Over 60s males in particular certainly understand