At least you’ve got progressive solar and batteries in place and further development, despite rear guard fighting from the fed LNP.
Darn; we were getting along so well ...
Ah! So solar and batteries are 'progressive' are they? Where does hydro fit in ... that renewable, carbon free,
base load energy source that the Greens hate with a passion. I guess we conservatives can claim that one

Trouble with batteries is that they can't power anything ... until there is
surplus energy to charge them up. Not seeing much surplus energy in SA any time soon. Mostly they take power from Victoria and further afield generated by that wicked coal.

And as the clowns in charge of Victoria force some coal power stations there to close, that'll mean both SA and Victoria both up s**t creek energy-wise.
It is just so funny to know Wetherill's green eco-state was kept afloat by diesel generators.
I'd love to see Nick X become the Premier of SA - then he won't have anyone else to screw to support on his pet projects for his vote; it'll be on him, and people will see the consequences. Sorry, Pushka, that will mean your state will be cactus in a year or so, but at least you have a new hospital (takes cover). You sure it wasn't 'biodiesel' or canola oil powering that hospital system?
Groidian? You're kidding, right?
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