Having been purchasing numerous items from various vendors through Velocity's Shop and Earn site but haven't been earning any points.
Transactions I was told are supposed to appear within 48 hours, mine purchases are over 30 days old and still nothing has appeared.
Contacted Velocity, but they are as helpful as an umbrella in an avalanche. Said that I should not even be conatcting them till 60 days has expired, even though "When you buy something, the transaction will appear in your ShopAndEarn Transaction History as ‘Pending’ within 1 working day"
Yeh right! This isn't even happening.
What a joke.
Transactions I was told are supposed to appear within 48 hours, mine purchases are over 30 days old and still nothing has appeared.
Contacted Velocity, but they are as helpful as an umbrella in an avalanche. Said that I should not even be conatcting them till 60 days has expired, even though "When you buy something, the transaction will appear in your ShopAndEarn Transaction History as ‘Pending’ within 1 working day"
Yeh right! This isn't even happening.
What a joke.