Did you end up having anything taken? So hopefully just bruised up. I take it you were attacked in a fairly remote or area with not many people (either at all and/or at the time).
Darwin, if you're up there, you're due for an appraisal...
Nope. Glasses knocked around a bit and will need replacing, but didn't lose anything. He was after my phone (called it a camera as I had taken a couple of non descript photos of a derelect building just before the incident ). Assault should be in the vision of CCTV from a train station, plus likely the thug left a nearby pub which also is required to have CCTV. No direct witnesesses. One cabbie saw the guy, but didn't see the assault AFAIK.
Police were really good and are treating it seriously. The charge of attempted robbery using violence isn't a minor one in the UK.