Amex "I'm going to cancel my card" - bonus points given thread.

So after last months call to "see about cancelling" I called back today. Last month I called to ask when my annual fees would be due, how many days ahead would I need to empty my MR points balance, etc. Thinking this might flag a retention offer when I called back.

Nope. Agent initially offered me 1K points. I literally laughed, and she put me on hold, and said her supervisor is allowed to authorise an additional 4K more. I asked it it was per card, and she put me on hold again, and came back offering 15K all up to keep Plat Charge, Plet Reserve, and Explorer.

She claimed there is no retention team, and the computer automatically assigns retention bonuses. She said since I received 36K last year, that is probably why I didn't get one this year.

Well, my "retention" points never arrived. I called again, and spoke to an Aussie call centre, who said they couldn't help me because the offer was from the retention team (which I was told didn't exist!). He said he would check with his supervisor, and then came back saying he couldn't honour the points offer I was given, as the notes were not documented correctly, and that his supervisor said he could only offer to move me to one of the no annual fee cars, such as a Platinum Edge! That was it. I was done.

Having recently head the VP of Customer Listening for Amex speak at a conference, I wrote an email to him. I recounted the story about how Amex Plat Concierge managed to screw up every Michelin star restaurant reservation for our 4 week trip to Europe last year (we were literally turned away from some), and the poor communication from the manager regarding all of it, and how he told us if we didn't like his compensation offer than go to the FSO. I told him all about the recent events, and the poor service, the false statements from customer service centres, other CSRs telling us not to use chat because they lie and don't know what they are doing, and an obvious lack of empowerment for staff to help customers. Basically, every issue we've had with Amex over the last 12 months.

Well, he replied, stating that he was disappointed by our story, etc. etc. and that he was sending my email on to some colleagues to have a case study done on the service we experienced. I thought, here we go, a typical "your opinion matters" blow off. Today, I received a call from the Manager of Executive Customer Care. He advised the Global Manager of Call Centres, and the Global Manager of Travel and Concierge are currently reviewing all of our interactions with Amex, but he has read the emails I received from Phillip Horan (a manager from the Australian concierge services group on behalf of Amex), and said "I could only shake my head as a read them, you don't speak to a customer like that", and it would be dealt with.

He went on to say that as a "starting point" to make things right, he said he is crediting our Plat Charge annual fee back to us in full. He wants to come back in a couple of days after he is able to get a grasp on why we received such awful (and documented in a way he can clearly see) poor service. He did note that we had about $60,000 less spend on travel this year on our Plat Charge than the previous year, and asked if this all attributed to it.

So I may no have received many (any) retention points, but I think a free Plat charge is a pretty good step in the right direction.

Well, my "retention" points never arrived. I called again, and spoke to an Aussie call centre, who said they couldn't help me because the offer was from the retention team (which I was told didn't exist!). He said he would check with his supervisor, and then came back saying he couldn't honour the points offer I was given, as the notes were not documented correctly, and that his supervisor said he could only offer to move me to one of the no annual fee cars, such as a Platinum Edge! That was it. I was done.

Having recently head the VP of Customer Listening for Amex speak at a conference, I wrote an email to him. I recounted the story about how Amex Plat Concierge managed to screw up every Michelin star restaurant reservation for our 4 week trip to Europe last year (we were literally turned away from some), and the poor communication from the manager regarding all of it, and how he told us if we didn't like his compensation offer than go to the FSO. I told him all about the recent events, and the poor service, the false statements from customer service centres, other CSRs telling us not to use chat because they lie and don't know what they are doing, and an obvious lack of empowerment for staff to help customers. Basically, every issue we've had with Amex over the last 12 months.

Well, he replied, stating that he was disappointed by our story, etc. etc. and that he was sending my email on to some colleagues to have a case study done on the service we experienced. I thought, here we go, a typical "your opinion matters" blow off. Today, I received a call from the Manager of Executive Customer Care. He advised the Global Manager of Call Centres, and the Global Manager of Travel and Concierge are currently reviewing all of our interactions with Amex, but he has read the emails I received from Phillip Horan (a manager from the Australian concierge services group on behalf of Amex), and said "I could only shake my head as a read them, you don't speak to a customer like that", and it would be dealt with.

He went on to say that as a "starting point" to make things right, he said he is crediting our Plat Charge annual fee back to us in full. He wants to come back in a couple of days after he is able to get a grasp on why we received such awful (and documented in a way he can clearly see) poor service. He did note that we had about $60,000 less spend on travel this year on our Plat Charge than the previous year, and asked if this all attributed to it.

So I may no have received many (any) retention points, but I think a free Plat charge is a pretty good step in the right direction.
I find it amusing that rather thanspend 100s of $1000s of dollars to doa case study and investigate,

all he has to do is call up pretending to be a customer and he can exeperience it first hand,

although ive never been spoken to rudely the sheer incomptence of the philippino call centre staff astounds me,

ranging from:
outright lies
stuff that almost seems to be made up on the spot
lack of common sense
promises made that are never adhered to
convenient lack of records of things that are beneficial to you

eg when I got my credit card and enquired about the bonus points, I was told its coming, a few times it never came,
then I got told they will be credited with 10 weeks or along those lines,

followed by, yes sir you are eligible for the bonus points however they are scheduled to be paid to you in 10 equal installments starting next week

followed by+ oh sir you are not eligible for the bonus points because you have already received them, it says you received 10k , 3 weeks ago,
"and what is the description on the bonus??" "it says samsung"

getting this basic piece of info just didnt happen no matter how many times I explained it

and finally, after the 8th call I get told I am not eligible for the bonus as I had already received one, from another amex card

fast fwd 2 weeks and the bonus appeared on my card

this line of service almost seems to happen everytime I need to call amex that requires a bit more than, "please tell me when my statement is due*
The absolutely BEST advice for any interaction with any service/goods provider over the phone is:
  • Purchase a notebook/exercise book for $1 or so (return on investment beats Buffett hands down!)
  • Get the CSR to spell their surname for you, and you repeat it.
  • Write down date, start time, extensive hold durations and end time of call
  • Write down any particularly memorable comments
  • Note down any and all refusals to put you on to a team leader or supervisor
and if you really want to have some fun....

and my personal favourite...

ask for a digital copy of the phone call to be provided to you as required under the Australian Privacy Legislation.

The spelling of surname often appears to cause a change in tone (and care)
The absolutely BEST advice for any interaction with any service/goods provider over the phone is:
  • Purchase a notebook/exercise book for $1 or so (return on investment beats Buffett hands down!)
  • Get the CSR to spell their surname for you, and you repeat it.
  • Write down date, start time, extensive hold durations and end time of call
  • Write down any particularly memorable comments
  • Note down any and all refusals to put you on to a team leader or supervisor
and if you really want to have some fun....

and my personal favourite...

ask for a digital copy of the phone call to be provided to you as required under the Australian Privacy Legislation.

The spelling of surname often appears to cause a change in tone (and care)

Thats really interesting. I've never thought of using privacy legislation in MY favour. I am head of a support centre which records all inbound and outbound calls, and have never considered if anyone actually asked for a recording. :)
The absolutely BEST advice for any interaction with any service/goods provider over the phone is:
  • Purchase a notebook/exercise book for $1 or so (return on investment beats Buffett hands down!)
  • Get the CSR to spell their surname for you, and you repeat it.
  • Write down date, start time, extensive hold durations and end time of call
  • Write down any particularly memorable comments
  • Note down any and all refusals to put you on to a team leader or supervisor
and if you really want to have some fun....

and my personal favourite...

ask for a digital copy of the phone call to be provided to you as required under the Australian Privacy Legislation.

The spelling of surname often appears to cause a change in tone (and care)
there has been so many times dealin with any service provide where I was told wrong information,

and then when I call back to act on it, and explain to them the date, time and person I spoke to

the typical reply (regardless of whether its an aussie/philipino/indian call centre) is, "oh they were wrong" or "dead silence"
Thats really interesting. I've never thought of using privacy legislation in MY favour. I am head of a support centre which records all inbound and outbound calls, and have never considered if anyone actually asked for a recording. :)
That's typical unfortunately, many companies CCs are not correctly trained on their responsibilities. Had fun with one top 10 company where the switch would not put me through to the Company Secretary. So, as a shareholder I lodged a complaint with the ASX asking for them to be delisted until such time as they complied with the listing requirements.

The phrase "Deer in headlights" comes to mind...

I have got to know so many company secretaries as a result of 'issues' in supplying said phone calls.

Once the top legal officer of say Virgin Australia, Westpac gets in the loop - amazing things happen. Even to the point of me dictating new paragraphs for procedures manuals....

It is alarming though when I am educating large company's company secretary on their legislative requirements (and potential fines).
although ive never been spoken to rudely the sheer incomptence of the philippino call centre staff astounds me

It's very much cultural, as you would expect. My friend's job is to establish call centres in the Phillipines and he said the major challenges he faces are high staff turnover (up to 70%) and the inability to deviate from a call script - as comments here have alluded to. Part of the problem is a tyrannic rule from Indian owners (spot the irony there). Owners regualrly threaten staff with sackings and other unethical behaviour which leads to call centre staff stictly adhering to their script to avoid the loss of job even though many staff may not return to work the next day for reasons unknown. Escalations or complex problems are either diverted or ignored in order to maintain a trouble-free call. My friend is constantly speechless at the appalling service delivered when training tapes are reviewed.

Despite all this, he said that companies continue to outsource call centre and admin duties because of the lower cost: they can pay for three staff in the Phillipines for the price of one in Australia.
Called 2 days ago to add additional card holder, as there is current promotion ending 31/05/2018 to get 3000 MR points. Guy was very friendly (from Philippines). Since he was super friendly I then made a comment saying on the lines of "Hey, I understand if I threaten to leave, your system will already know how much the Retention bonus is, would you be able to tell me what it is?" He said "30000 Pts". I was shocked as I have a platinum edge (which I use often), so I told him if he can offer me the bonus, I wont "leave". He proceed it for me after putting me on hold with his manager.

Just got the 30000 points 5 minutes ago, no sign of the 3000 from additional card yet but not too worried as would assume it will come once card is issued. So happy. :)
Called 2 days ago to add additional card holder, as there is current promotion ending 31/05/2018 to get 3000 MR points. Guy was very friendly (from Philippines). Since he was super friendly I then made a comment saying on the lines of "Hey, I understand if I threaten to leave, your system will already know how much the Retention bonus is, would you be able to tell me what it is?" He said "30000 Pts". I was shocked as I have a platinum edge (which I use often), so I told him if he can offer me the bonus, I wont "leave". He proceed it for me after putting me on hold with his manager.

Just got the 30000 points 5 minutes ago, no sign of the 3000 from additional card yet but not too worried as would assume it will come once card is issued. So happy. :)
Thanks for the news - I'd asked AMEX and been told that they would email me when the next bonus points supplementary offer was on.

Needless to say....

Not quite the 5,000 of last time but still better than zero. Limit of one bonus per card account unfortunately.

After that disappointing news I totally forgot to ask how much the retention bonus would be.....

BTW WARNING WARNING The Agoda 12% discount offer does not seem to be working (other than for Agoda that is).
Followed all instructions, saved to card (yes it comes up for some that way although supposedly you can go straight from the AMEX page (which warns you that you're going to a 3rd party web site).

But luckily I knew what several other sites were charging.

So, even though there was the flag saying 'Promo eligible' it did not provide a 12% discount.

What made me suspicious firstly was the choice of card did not differentiate between AMEX, Visa, MC or JGB.

Closed the page, opened a different browser and went straight to the Agoda page - so no 'Promo eligible' signs showing anywhere. Selected same hotel, dates, rooms etc etc and....

The price to be charged is/was identical. So went back to Agoda and tried to pay using a Visa, and got the same price.

Rang AMEX and at first they pretended not to know anything was wrong. After 20 minutes of them trying to do the transaction they admitted that I was the third person that operator had dealt with today over the discount not being applied.

Got her details, extension number, name, call start and end times etc etc. She said it may post as a credit so wait a couple of days. My reply, AMEX is quite clear on the difference between a 'credit' and a 'discount'. This offer states 'discount' of 12% not 'credit' of 12% - so price charged should decrease by 12%. She asked me to take screenshots of the AMEX payment and attempted Visa payment (good advice but I had already) so I thanked her for the suggestion.

Waited, came up as pending transaction at full price, no discount. Similarly the confirmation emails etc had all shown the full price.

Rang AMEX back, made to go through the entire process again, CSA acted as if there were no details on my account so I asked whether the previous CSA had added any notes.

'Yes there are some but not clear to me.' Hmmmm.

So persevere, 12% refund in process - enough for a couple of good dinners while on holiday!
It's very much cultural, as you would expect. My friend's job is to establish call centres in the Phillipines and he said the major challenges he faces are high staff turnover (up to 70%) and the inability to deviate from a call script - as comments here have alluded to. Part of the problem is a tyrannic rule from Indian owners (spot the irony there). Owners regualrly threaten staff with sackings and other unethical behaviour which leads to call centre staff stictly adhering to their script to avoid the loss of job even though many staff may not return to work the next day for reasons unknown. Escalations or complex problems are either diverted or ignored in order to maintain a trouble-free call. My friend is constantly speechless at the appalling service delivered when training tapes are reviewed.

Despite all this, he said that companies continue to outsource call centre and admin duties because of the lower cost: they can pay for three staff in the Phillipines for the price of one in Australia.
brilliant reply, much apprecaited!
Thanks for the news - I'd asked AMEX and been told that they would email me when the next bonus points supplementary offer was on.

Needless to say....

Not quite the 5,000 of last time but still better than zero. Limit of one bonus per card account unfortunately.

After that disappointing news I totally forgot to ask how much the retention bonus would be.....

BTW WARNING WARNING The Agoda 12% discount offer does not seem to be working (other than for Agoda that is).
Followed all instructions, saved to card (yes it comes up for some that way although supposedly you can go straight from the AMEX page (which warns you that you're going to a 3rd party web site).

But luckily I knew what several other sites were charging.

So, even though there was the flag saying 'Promo eligible' it did not provide a 12% discount.

What made me suspicious firstly was the choice of card did not differentiate between AMEX, Visa, MC or JGB.

Closed the page, opened a different browser and went straight to the Agoda page - so no 'Promo eligible' signs showing anywhere. Selected same hotel, dates, rooms etc etc and....

The price to be charged is/was identical. So went back to Agoda and tried to pay using a Visa, and got the same price.

Rang AMEX and at first they pretended not to know anything was wrong. After 20 minutes of them trying to do the transaction they admitted that I was the third person that operator had dealt with today over the discount not being applied.

Got her details, extension number, name, call start and end times etc etc. She said it may post as a credit so wait a couple of days. My reply, AMEX is quite clear on the difference between a 'credit' and a 'discount'. This offer states 'discount' of 12% not 'credit' of 12% - so price charged should decrease by 12%. She asked me to take screenshots of the AMEX payment and attempted Visa payment (good advice but I had already) so I thanked her for the suggestion.

Waited, came up as pending transaction at full price, no discount. Similarly the confirmation emails etc had all shown the full price.

Rang AMEX back, made to go through the entire process again, CSA acted as if there were no details on my account so I asked whether the previous CSA had added any notes.

'Yes there are some but not clear to me.' Hmmmm.

So persevere, 12% refund in process - enough for a couple of good dinners while on holiday!

Thats odd. I tried a booking 2 weeks ago. Yes it comes up as 'Promo Eligible' and the discount was only applied on the payment screen, once selecting an Amex Credit card on my agoda profile. WIll try again soon as have to do another booking. From what I understand to intiate this deal, you must use this URL: American Express Sale. No Cash rewards etc allowed.

EDIT: Just tried to do my booking, definately works for me.

Price (1 room x 6 nights) AUD 864.34
AMEX 12 12% -AUD 87.30
Price: $777.04
Thats odd. I tried a booking 2 weeks ago. Yes it comes up as 'Promo Eligible' and the discount was only applied on the payment screen, once selecting an Amex Credit card on my agoda profile. WIll try again soon as have to do another booking. From what I understand to intiate this deal, you must use this URL: American Express Sale. No Cash rewards etc allowed.

EDIT: Just tried to do my booking, definately works for me.

Price (1 room x 6 nights) AUD 864.34
AMEX 12 12% -AUD 87.30
Price: $777.04
Perhaps it has to do with browser used or having to have an Agoda account instead of being a once-off user - who knows.

Where did you see AMEX12 come up? Is it in the box for discount code (or whatever it is called) which comes up on the screen before you enter the card details?

I also wonder if it is at all to do with the Windows 10 update that has got so much publicity for failing with certain AV products, SSDs etc etc. My desktop is needing intensive care and is unusable and the other machine I'm using needed the AV totally uninstalled including total registry clean before it would work...


That it did not work for either of the two AMEX CSAs who replicated what I was explaining suggests it is more widespread, that and the first CSA mentioning that she'd dealt with a couple of calls already that day about no discount....

BTW - going through from the AMEX page (warning of going to a 3rd party page etc etc) did not change the outcome nor did changing the card used as the screenshots I tool show.

When does the price change for you? Is the choice you have for card show AMEX, Visa, MC or KGB as one combined option?
[mod hat]
Please confine discussion to the thread topic.
There are a multitude of threads to discuss other offers.
[/mod hat]
So the annual fee refund is already reflected on my account (posted less than 24 hours after being offered). I have to admit, I'm pretty happy about a no fee Plat Charge for the year.

During the conversation I had with the Amex Exec, we actually talked about card churning and chasing points (he admits he does it too), and he said "I want to prepare you, as a result of the royal commission, its likely that next year when its time for you to renew again, we won't be allowed to offer ANY retention offers". He went on to say they are preparing to lose a lot of customers due to not being able to offer them reasons to stay, and strategising how to get more "new business".
A very helpful AFF member suggested that I make a call. Was offered 100,000 QFFP .... accepted. Not a bad result for 2 minutes work.

Might start hammering this CC game.
I just called suggesting I'll close my Velocity Frequent Flyer AMEX card hoping to be either waived the upcoming Annual Fee or more importantly some bonus points. Wasn't offered any Bonus Points and was only offered to transfer to the AMEX Velocity Escape card - which has no annual fee, but loss of TI, no free flight and lower earn rate. Thing I'll bin it.
Called last week to cancel Platinum Charge and offered nothing. Called again yesterday and only got offered to move to the Gold Charge. Was told if I cancel the Charge, the Reserve would be charged the annual fee but it will be linked to Ascent Premium with my Explorer currently, so basically replacing the Charge card in that program. Doesn't sound right and at best, I would assume the Explorer would only link to the Reserve's program which is only Ascent (without Qantas as a transfer partner)?? When asked if any points offered, he checked and said the system only showed move to Gold Charge as an option.
I rang to cancel my Velocity Amex today. When I explained why the agent said he wouldn't try to dissuade me. I asked what the system was prompting to offer me and he said nothing, as I had got 70k points a few months ago. So I am not sure how he was going convince me otherwise! o_O
I rang to cancel my Velocity Amex today. When I explained why the agent said he wouldn't try to dissuade me. I asked what the system was prompting to offer me and he said nothing, as I had got 70k points a few months ago. So I am not sure how he was going convince me otherwise! o_O

I also rang twice in the past two months to cancel upon AF hitting soon. I was told as I received bonus points last year, I am not eligible this year.
I also rang twice in the past two months to cancel upon AF hitting soon. I was told as I received bonus points last year, I am not eligible this year.

I rang yesterday and was told something similar. I had received bonus points last June at the time of AF and that there was only 1 bonus per year. I was told that the computer would reset in July and I could ring again then to see if there was any bonus points available :rolleyes::rolleyes:
I was also told that there were new benefits coming to the Plat Charge which would make the card more attractive, information to be available within the next month or so. This doesn't bode well with me unfortunately I'm concerned about what the changes might be.

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