Well another wonderful day draws to an end. Thought some light relief was due
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How about the slogan as:
Ruby Princess Removals
We never hesitate
to move it inter-state!
Anyway, back on topic…. I’m quite surprised that VIC have still held back from putting in a hard border with NSW given the multiple incursions and spread from the Sydney outbreak. Both VIC and QLD seem to be really holding back on this.
It also seems that there has been a Bondi-like super spreader involved unfortunately…
BTW: useful postcode location checker for Delta virus in NSW.
Shock, horror. Fairfield not the worst postcode per capita when singled out days back. Can you guess which suburb was.....
As of July 11th 8pm figures.
Postcode Total cases Active cases
2165 101 101 Fairfield, Fairfield East, Fairfield Heights Pop'n 42,444
2026 155 13 Bondi, Bondi Beach Pop'n 32,490
On a per capita basis, Bondi Junction (155 with pop'n 32,490) has relatively more cases living there this outbreak than all the Fairfields (168 with pop'n 42,444). On a per capita basis it would require Fairfield to have around 202 cases to match the Bondi figures.
Equivalent per capita figure at that stage was
half that of Bondi.
As of July 15th 8pm figures.
Postcode Total cases Active cases
2165 168 153 Fairfield, Fairfield East, Fairfield Heights Pop'n 42,444
2026 155 11 Bondi, Bondi Beach Pop'n 32,490
Still below the Bondi per capita figures yet I don't recall NSW telling Bondi three days in a row it was doing the wrong thing. Why the inconsistency?
Equally the 3 suburbs border us are all 50+ cases each. As is Mosman - anyone heard Mosman mentioned two or three weeks back? They'd had 50 cases by July 2nd. At that stage Fairfield etc had just 16 cases but neighbouring suburbs had as many as 118.
As of July 2nd (from NSW Health website) Bondi had 151 cases.

Smoke & mirrors to deflect attention?
As a proportion of early cases, Bondi was many times a greater contributor to total cases at that point than Fairfield has ever been as of latest figures.