Not a bad device in a corporate environment - especially telepresence. That would be an interesting addition to comms. It is a little fat compared to the iPad though.
Oh and now 6 days in below are some further thoughts I shared with a colleague about the iPad. The colleague is the CIO of my company in Oz (an Apple fan) who I have ongoing discussions with on the best way to meet my personal requirements and his need to support securely the other 2000 local staff (he really does have his priorities wrong

So far the impressions are good. The battery life is as expected, screen and speed are excellent and the keyboard actually works much better than I honestly expected.
I have used it a fair amount so far in meetings when people have sent me through PowerPoint documents and it is easy to review and read the documents.
I am struggling slightly with the iWork apps (pages, numbers, keynote) as editing tools as they lose a massive amount of formatting between the MS documents and the iOS versions.
One thing I am noticing is the differences between iOS 3.x iOS 4.0 – in such a short space of time I have become very used to iOS 4.0 – mostly the quick switching between apps – which is more important now for example when making notes in a meeting whilst reviewing a document during a meeting.
I am testing out a few work related apps including iAnnotate that is useful to mark up PDF documents. What I am trying to find is some app to take typed notes that can be organised – essentially my view is to replace my paper notebook with the iPad. At the moment I am just taking notes in pages and creating a document for each topic. I will be trying something like Bento to see if that is a viable replacement.
I also had a quick look at Executive View as a way to distribute Board/ELT papers. This was primarily out of curiosity as I constantly see at the Board and Audit Committee meetings A4 files of info for each Board member and there has to be a more environmentally friendly way to distribute papers. For example at the March Audit Committee 22 sets of 6 lever arch files of papers were distributed... Although when I casually mentioned this to xx_ he said that he wanted to be able to highlight and mark up documents with a pen so he wont be satisfied with a purely electronic medium – conversely YYY was showing off his iPad at the Board meeting.
I would love to trial syncing to my Corporate email address (or at a minimum getting Google Calendar sync installed on the laptop so I can have my calendar on the iPad) as my plan when I next come to Melbourne is to travel without the laptop on that two day trip. If I was able to sync emails I would certainly give up the laptop and the blackberry in favour of a desktop (which I assume is cheaper) and a personal iPad.
My next challenge is work out how to source a micro sim whilst overseas for local prepaid internet coverage – I am off to NZ for a week on business in early August so that will be a good test (not so sure about India later in the year).
My final task will be to source a pico projector from somewhere so that I can do presentations wherever and whenever (and broadcast movies on the wall when stuck in hotels by myself).
On that topic - any suggestions for pico projectors?