Good Luck!
I just phoned and spoke with premium card services.
I was put through to a supervisor and asked to be put on the 5t/5k promo for which I had signed up for and he explained that they have put people on the earn rate they should have been on. When I explained that I saw the 5t/5k on the website he was not moved at all and explained that it was a link to the three promo's they were running at the time.
To cut a long story short the answer was "no you're still on the 10t/5k and it makes no difference that you spend $120000 a month and we will not be changing people on the basis of a link."
I will not be taking it any further as I believe they are within their rights to alter promo's as per the T&C's of the cards.:evil:
It's sad

but at the same time I am grateful to be earning the extra 120000 points this will generate for me, and as they are the card provider they have the upperhand when it comes to T&C's and I would not like to have my card cancelled (which is one option I think they will look at rather than pay out all the MR points) as it is a good point earner.