10,000 bonus points per 20 transactions

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One of the T&C incarnations did state that was the case only if you were targetted.
As far as I am aware, there have only been two incarnations of T&C that can be considered to have been "published" by Amex - i.e. provided in any type or printed form viewable by customers. These are the original T&C that were provided when you signed up, and the revised T&C available on the Amex web site (linked several times in this thread already) that makes the differentiate between pre and post 20 September sign-ups. Neither make any mention of non-targetees being capped.

Any reference to pre-20th non-targeted people being capped has been pure speculation by some people here and may have originated from misunderstood or misinformed call centre agents.

Unless you can point to clear evidence to support your claim, I will continue to accept that all pre-20th Sept sign-ups remain uncapped, which is what other members have reported when clarifying their situation with Amex.
Good Luck!

I just phoned and spoke with premium card services.

I was put through to a supervisor and asked to be put on the 5t/5k promo for which I had signed up for and he explained that they have put people on the earn rate they should have been on. When I explained that I saw the 5t/5k on the website he was not moved at all and explained that it was a link to the three promo's they were running at the time.

The bit about a link to the three promos is factually incorrect. You clicked the and then clicked on the T&Cs linked - 5K/5T.

Meetings all day today - will call tomorrow...
Any reference to pre-20th non-targeted people being capped has been pure speculation by some people here and may have originated from misunderstood or misinformed call centre agents.

Unless you can point to clear evidence to support your claim, I will continue to accept that all pre-20th Sept sign-ups remain uncapped, which is what other members have reported when clarifying their situation with Amex.

Well I guess the letter my friend recieved from executive customer services means nothing... good for him then... after he disputed being put on the 10/5 plan, registered on Thursday the 18th (no card, has the 5/5 screenshot, with other date identifying items on the screen)

I made a comment based on a document I have seen in person. The call centre agents mentioned previously in this thread may have actually got it right, i.e. non targetted registrations are capped, and will go to the program as per determined by Amex (in most cases 10/5)

Other members have reported not targetted, no cap? I see 1, with at least 3-4 saying the opposite, that doesnt look good.

Unless it is in writing, specifically with your name on it, anything goes as has been proven time and time again, I thought that would be a common understanding by now given the amount of changes that have occurred (so far 4 different T&C including the original and some recent amendments which came into effect late last week)
Unless it is in writing, specifically with your name on it, anything goes as has been proven time and time again, I thought that would be a common understanding by now given the amount of changes that have occurred (so far 4 different T&C including the original and some recent amendments which came into effect late last week)
As per NM's comment, it is common knowledge that all pre-20th September folks are uncapped, regardless of postcard status. Indeed, this information does exist in writing (on the FAQ) and has been in place for some weeks now. Any recent amendments have been inconsequential, and were provided for clarification purposes only. I don't think there's a need to revisit this.
Other members have reported not targetted, no cap? I see 1, with at least 3-4 saying the opposite, that doesnt look good.

Stop complicating things file51 ....

Pre-20th people are UNCAPPED ...

No one is saying the opposite except you (and maybe one other)....
How do the amended terms and conditions affect me?
For Cardmembers who enrolled in the Promotion prior to 20 September, the original bonus points offer remains unchanged and there is no limit to the amount of bonus points you can earn during the Promotion period as long as your transactions are for legitimate everyday spend*. This was communicated to these Cardmembers via our call centre teams or the enrolment website page.

For all people who enrolled on or after the 20 September, a maximum of 10,000 Membership Rewards Bonus Points will be awarded to eligible Cardmembers each month during the promotion period, up to a maximum of 40,000 bonus points for the entire Promotion.

Who is eligible to take part in the Promotion?Selected Cardmembers who received an invitation in the mail are eligible to take part in the Promotion. Also eligible are those people who didn’t receive the invitation, but heard about it and enrolled prior to 20 September.

Registration is limited to one enrolment per eligible Cardmember.

Now Amex having amended the T&C AFTER the promotion started obviously has been able to consider many factors including those that it did not prior to the promotion starting.

So having quite clearly made who is eligible based on a date, including who is capped and uncapped, a feature of the amended T&C I would imagine that various government bodies, courts etc would inist that Amex stick by that clarification.

Enrolement is perhaps not precisely defined, though it has been made clear that only one bonus rate will be applicable. But from callers reports Amex has reserved the right to assign a bonus rate based upon criteria.
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But from callers reports Amex has reserved the right to assign a bonus rate based upon criteria.

And this is where I think that their logic is flawed - how can they apply a selection criteria to put me into an appropriate bucket when their selection criteria kept me out of all the buckets?

And this is where I think that their logic is flawed - how can they apply a selection criteria to put me into an appropriate bucket when their selection criteria kept me out of all the buckets?



You must be awarded "pic of the year":lol:

This has made up for me being at work since 5am.

Back O/T they told me I had been targetted and I had simply misplaced the postcard with other junk mail.

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They have posted - on 1/11 instead of 31/10, although everything I have from QF says 31/10 (email confirmation, date of e-ticket, etc). I'm not complaining :lol:
It's surprising they posted so quickly; most Qantas.com.au purchases I make using AX take around 10 business days to post.

As for cab purchases; some I have done have never posted - some have posted, (at inflated charges as well :-|).
And this is where I think that their logic is flawed - how can they apply a selection criteria to put me into an appropriate bucket when their selection criteria kept me out of all the buckets?

Don't you love a paradox. This could keep you arguing in circles for weeks :)

It's surprising they posted so quickly; most Qantas.com.au purchases I make using AX take around 10 business days to post.

Qantas are all over the place with posting times IME.
Other members have reported not targetted, no cap? I see 1, with at least 3-4 saying the opposite, that doesnt look good.

I was not targetted, signed up pre 20th, and they've confirmed I'm uncapped in several phone conversations. I did not sign up to multiple promos - only the 5/5K. From others comments it seems that signing up for multiple promos, in Amex's mind, gives them justification for moving people from the 5/5K offer.
Other members have reported not targetted, no cap? I see 1, with at least 3-4 saying the opposite, that doesnt look good.

I didn't feel the need to contribute to this barrage of verbal diarrhea, however, to enlighten others...

I was not targeted, signed up before 20th on 5t/5k and 20t/10k, got letter about 10t/5k UNCAPPED.
I didn't feel the need to contribute to this barrage of verbal diarrhea, however, to enlighten others...

I was not targeted, signed up before 20th on 5t/5k and 20t/10k, got letter about 10t/5k UNCAPPED.

Maybe you need to eat some bran, ;)

If the letter was made out to me I would post a copy for all to see, then maybe some of you might come to realise that all is not as it seems, something in writing has a heck of a lot more value than the 2nd hand information you speak of.

If I get the time to re-type the key elements of the letter I will.

Just in case you did not understand my previous messages, as several of you have obviously come to your own conclusions regarding the capping, I would not believe anything said by Amex CSR's or even the exec team as there story changes daily.

YES, I am totally aware of what the T&C state, I can read, however as is the case in other areas of this promotion there appears to be different rules applying to the same instance. Nothing stopped the last few T&C updates, who says another is not just around the corner?

Personally you can think what you want to, just dont be surprised if things change, as has been proven several times over the past few weeks.

In the meantime I will happily keep the transactions ticking over and trying to beat the 153 transactions for October (most done by the minister of war and finance)

It is amusing to note that so many are happy to sit back and be changed to a lower value promotion than what they were quite rightfully entitled to as per the original 5000/5 online promo.
It is amusing to note that so many are happy to sit back and be changed to a lower value promotion than what they were quite rightfully entitled to as per the original 5000/5 online promo.

I am glad it amuses you! :) I for one am not pleased about being shunted into a different promo than the one originally promised.

For me, I am interested in seeing if anyone has any success in getting their plan changed. Happy to put together a letter with appropriate acronyms, but would prefer to know a tried and tested method before I start flailing about.

Mind you 10t/5k is better than nothing, but it does leave a bad feeling/impression about the whole "experience". Feeling shafted just causes so much bad-feelings towards that brand.

ps I note that the little ad (below this textbox) in my screen is a MasterCard ad!! "Use your MasterCard to earn a free weekend stay with your family" - shame that most of my family live in the same city as myself.
ps I note that the little ad (below this textbox) in my screen is a MasterCard ad!! "Use your MasterCard to earn a free weekend stay with your family" - shame that most of my family live in the same city as myself.

hey don't mock that promo ;)

I've just redeemed my two free nights so I'm a happy camper :D
Hmmm, posting has ground to a halt here :p...in line with Amex's posting of transactions.

Something NM said in a post here a couple of days ago and he repeated to me in a telephone call on Saturday night, resonated through me yesterday. I had 5 transactions yesterday, nought posted :(. Well, they were all between 7.10pm and 9.20pm, so I can understand that they might not have made it.

My wife things I'm addicted to transacting with Amex...I offered to do the grocery shopping last night (actually, she hates it and I don't mind). It was heart-breaking not being able to find the things on the list all at one supermarket :mrgreen: ;)

Amex's hope that more transacting would be done with their card - well the proof is in the Visa statement - which dropped from $5,200 last month to $1,523 this month. Commensurately, the Amex has got a very healthy increase.
Simongr, I agree with ejb, that is the post of the year for me :cool:

It's surprising they posted so quickly; most Qantas.com.au purchases I make using AX take around 10 business days to post.

As for cab purchases; some I have done have never posted - some have posted, (at inflated charges as well :-|).
What surprised me was that I purchased the tickets first, then did the carbon offsetting...but they showed up:

01/11/2008 QANTAS AIRWAYS MASCOT NSW $284.89
01/11/2008 QANTAS AIRWAYS MASCOT NSW $523.85
What surprised me was that I purchased the tickets first, then did the carbon offsetting...but they showed up:

01/11/2008 QANTAS AIRWAYS MASCOT NSW $284.89
01/11/2008 QANTAS AIRWAYS MASCOT NSW $523.85

I am surprised that you didn't select to pay later, then pay straight away. :lol:
The "drought" has broken here. I received 5k points as part of the promotion today.

I am now expecting many more to come, hopefully (and/or possibly) peppering in slowly in the next few weeks as the multiples of 5 transactions are slowly realised.
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