10,000 bonus points per 20 transactions

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So Data Point:

In the last 24 hours there have been at least two forum members who have received suspension letters.

That is two out of quite a small number as this is not that large a forum. A number made smaller as not all forumites are registered in this promo.

Over the last week there have been quite a number more.

Up to Jan 31 there will be???????

Plus one on another (locked) thread: http://www.frequentflyer.com.au/com...-program/amex-giving-no-points-5-a-15749.html
Wow...mail-man and Amex have been busy then. So at least 3 in justa day.

Plus lovestotravel says another 5 (who are presumably non-forum members).

The "suspended" club is growing at a rapid rate.

Make it another 4, I was counting the one from the Qantas thread which was closed!
Hi first timer here, but have been reading this thread with interest for some time.

I am on 5/5k, sent a postcard and registered 18 Sep-confirmed uncap

I too have been sent a suspension letter :confused: dated the 18th December, I called Amex straight away, and the first person I spoke with, was very sweet and said she couldn't understand why Amex had sent so many of these letters out because they had been busy answering calls all day about it, she tried to reassure me that we would get our points :rolleyes: but I asked to speak with someone else, after being transferred to ??, the girl I spoke with reviewed my transactions and said they all look legit, (just many small transactions under $10) so gave me a case number (not sure if this is a complaint/dispute number).

I am concerned because the letter states "we advise those points have now been suspended and any redemption transactions have been cancelled". We are planning on moving points over to Qantas to book flights for Jan 2010, and now I am unsure if I can move the points that we have earnt prior to the bonus promotion.

Amex have said we should have an answer in 7-10 days.
I had received 105 000 bonus points prior to the letter, but still required another 500 000 or so.

Any way thanks for the wealth of information that I have received on this board,
Have a merry Christmas everyone

Amex have said we should have an answer in 7-10 days.
I had received 105 000 bonus points prior to the letter, but still required another 500 000 or so.

Any way thanks for the wealth of information that I have received on this board,
Have a merry Christmas everyone


Welcome GOGO - You are in EXACTLY the same situation as me, it sounds like Amex have sent lots of these out. If one rep has received a few calls in a day, multiply that out by all the reps and that is hundreds of letters.

The "legitimate everyday spend" clause is going to be the copout that Amex use to try to reduce their liability in this promotion.

I also need to transfer points to Qantas, but reading the letter, it sounds like they want to cancel peoples membership rewards accounts that do this.

My letter is written, and will be sent shortly

Will also call Amex tomorrow and "discuss" this issue with them

So you are saying you didnt' need to write them a letter ??
Amex cancels yet many venues see Amex as a good option to have (as many people have been asking them to NOW accept the card)
Amex got goodwill and a customer based support kick BUT cardholders got kicked.
People (and lawyers) post letters- ideas as I see a major dispute coming to American Express supported by many people and maybe Today/Tonight or Current Events.
Amex Myreward Promo = Scam (big Time)

All the ingredients of a SCAM can be found in this promotion.

As you may guess I have recieved the "suspension letter" as well. My 2 brothers and my neighbour and 3 work mates received the same latter yesterday. Same letter as you guys and dated 18 DEC 2008

I dont know What Amex is thinking.

I am formulating an attack plan, I hope I count with some forum Mates
to stop once an for all this SCAM.
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Welcome GOGO - You are in EXACTLY the same situation as me, it sounds like Amex have sent lots of these out. If one rep has received a few calls in a day, multiply that out by all the reps and that is hundreds of letters.

The "legitimate everyday spend" clause is going to be the copout that Amex use to try to reduce their liability in this promotion.

I also need to transfer points to Qantas, but reading the letter, it sounds like they want to cancel peoples membership rewards accounts that do this.

My letter is written, and will be sent shortly

Will also call Amex tomorrow and "discuss" this issue with them

So you are saying you didnt' need to write them a letter ??


I did ask if I also needed to write a letter and I was told NO, will just wait for a week or so then call them back to see if there is any progress, I will also ask about transferring points that we received prior to promotion starting, I will need those points in the next 2 weeks so I will not be happy if they say no.

Gogo65: Interesting, but based on this whole promotion you cannot trust what a rep has said on the phone.

I would be sending them a letter still!

The list of suspended people grows bigger so it leaves two options
1. Amex are just going to suspend high transactors
2. Another mail out stuff up similar to the one a few weeks back where a correction letter may be sent in a week or two

Either way the handling of this promotion gets worse and worse

I did ask if I also needed to write a letter and I was told NO, will just wait for a week or so then call them back to see if there is any progress, I will also ask about transferring points that we received prior to promotion starting, I will need those points in the next 2 weeks so I will not be happy if they say no.


Gogo, gogo to fos.

I was un-suspended and was told by fos and amex that all my bonuses will be thru by the end of January 2009 - but I need my bonuses asap to get flights for the sckool holidays in January 2010. So I've bought tix for 2009's trip, and if they muck me around more, I'll be seeking real money.
I called AMEX about a corporate card issue but asked about some bonus points I have not received - mainly none after the approx 23-Sep when it all stopped.

MR confirmed I signed up pre-20-Sep and everything was fine. There is a delay due to "some naughty people signing up without being invited", but I was fine. :mrgreen: As I had signed up via a link on their website.

Summary: No POC, no letter, no please explain, no bonus points.

The schedule I was given:
- Sep & Oct points by 31-Jan-09, maybe before but not after.
- Nov points by Mid-Feb09.
- Dec points by Mid-Mar09.

All sweet. Merry Christmas and Happy Shopping. :mrgreen:

Thanks for posting this. Did you get them to confirm this in writing as it would support my case?

Basically they have in saying this to you confirmed eligibility to anyone who joined on line and confirmed eligibility to multiple programs as well.

Thanks for posting your personal experience - all for the benefit of everyone. Sadly through this promo is that nothing the CSMs say is worth anything as Amex have reneged and reneged and reneged.

I wrote to Amex 8 weeks ago and have had no correspondence since then. They owe me 200K points and they will pay them.
Perhaps my abysmal attempts at increasing my transactions will prove to be a blessing in disguise....:D

Amex seems deep in it and still sinking.

Several local servo's have just introduced a 3% charge for amex with no surcharge for visa....ouch.
Just imagine how many folks ( tradies , truckies et al) routinely buy their fuel with an amex card..particularly corporate cards..huge hit to the amex bottom line methinks.

The local 7 eleven servo has suddenly become our servo of choice with no amex surcharge...yet.

I'm genuinely over it.
We have gone to a lot of hassle over the past few years to pay the ascent fee and carry two cards..and for what ....a few lousy points that are rapidly being devalued.
Add to that this rewards program disaster along with the qantas exit stage left , and I'm going to be looking very closely at our needs when the next ascent bill is due.
For ease of reference, I have now updated the Wiki to include the original 5K/5T postcard scan, the statement by Luisa Megale on AFF and a link to the MR T&Cs.
Not sure whether this is a timing issue/holidays issue but I have had no bonus post since I got 5K at T100 for the month. Since then I have had 18T so should have had 1 more bonus under Amex's interpretation of the scheme...

I expect a few T today and some in the week with an eventual T for the month of maybe 140 - slightly less than my target - but not the end of the world.

With 191K, 132K in the bank and 20K forecast - I should end up (assuming Amex are forced by the BFSO to pay out) 350K some time in Jan/Feb.

Which is enough for two 32in Sony LCDs or close to enough for a TV and a macbook air ;)
There have been recent posts that for those who had been getting 5K/10T posting automatically; these STOP autoposting after 100 monthly transactions (50K bonus MR points).

I have multiple MR accounts that are autoposting so this has not been an issue for moi. :cool:
Thanks for that. Just checked prior months and I dont have more than 110T in the prior months so this works... sort of...
Well after battling the Sales yesterday, I reached the magic 20 transactions for the month and my final 10,000k points posted today. So I am one of the lucky ones in that I have received all the points I am entitled to as this fatally flawed promotion draws to its inevitably messy end. Judging by the posts in recent weeks it is all going to end in tears, no doubt about it.

Still rather jealous of my fellow posters who have managed to rack up massive points bonuses (or bonii!) but my spending patterns due to budget constraints work against me. I think I did well to achieve what I did, but adhered to the maxim of putting everything on Amex where-ever possible - and I managed to get thru the 3 months without incurring a surcharge anywhere - though it meant buying petrol at a different place etc.

Am somewhat aggrieved that I missed the boat in September with both registration and making the cut for the uncapped points - due to Amex's ineptitude with website problems etc. I may not have been able to manage 40 transactions in a month but even with 5 days to go this month, I could have come close with the Sales and bringing forward some January spending etc.

Will have to make a resolution for 2009 to study the FF forums more assiduously and try and take advantage of any other points earning ideas that get posted. Doubt very much Visa will have any sort of promotion like this :( ANZ keeps wanting to increase my credit limit and for me to use my card but they offer me no incentives to do so!
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Doubt very much Visa will have any sort of promotion like this :( ANZ keeps wanting to increase my credit limit and for me to use my card but they offer me no incentives to do so!

Remember that some/many ANZ accounts have fairly restrictive points caps. :mad:
My card was 'declined' after a day's shopping - some 'too many transactions' trigger flicked on -, but there was no one at Amex who could help over Xmas & Boxing Day. I think I lost 2 to 3 weeks of transactions since 1st October, and I'm not one of the people expecting 1.2m bonus points. Oh well, visa saved the day. (I should ask for bonuses for these Visa card transactions).
My card was 'declined' after a day's shopping - some 'too many transactions' trigger flicked on -, but there was no one at Amex who could help over Xmas & Boxing Day. I think I lost 2 to 3 weeks of transactions since 1st October, and I'm not one of the people expecting 1.2m bonus points. Oh well, visa saved the day. (I should ask for bonuses for these Visa card transactions).

I lost about a week over the course of the promotion when they have flicked the switch off on me as well. But the switch was flicked due to their own internal incompetence, but nothing can be done over weekends.
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