Hi first timer here, but have been reading this thread with interest for some time.
I am on 5/5k, sent a postcard and registered 18 Sep-confirmed uncap
I too have been sent a suspension letter

dated the 18th December, I called Amex straight away, and the first person I spoke with, was very sweet and said she couldn't understand why Amex had sent so many of these letters out because they had been busy answering calls all day about it, she tried to reassure me that we would get our points

but I asked to speak with someone else, after being transferred to ??, the girl I spoke with reviewed my transactions and said they all look legit, (just many small transactions under $10) so gave me a case number (not sure if this is a complaint/dispute number).
I am concerned because the letter states "we advise those points have now been suspended and any redemption transactions have been cancelled". We are planning on moving points over to Qantas to book flights for Jan 2010, and now I am unsure if I can move the points that we have earnt prior to the bonus promotion.
Amex have said we should have an answer in 7-10 days.
I had received 105 000 bonus points prior to the letter, but still required another 500 000 or so.
Any way thanks for the wealth of information that I have received on this board,
Have a merry Christmas everyone