10,000 bonus points per 20 transactions

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Remember that some/many ANZ accounts have fairly restrictive points caps. :mad:

Yes, my ANZ Qantas Visa Card has a monthly points cap, but large purchases like airfares, travel and hotels etc always go on my Amex Card anyway. Visa only gets the crumbs.

I often wonder if the banks monitor their customers' spending on other cards. ANZ must surely see that I transfer a significant amount each month to pay my Amex bill and wonder why they are not getting that spending on my Visa card.

Sorry, have gone off topic!!
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Yes, my ANZ Qantas Visa Card has a monthly points cap, but large purchases like airfares, travel and hotels etc always go on my Amex Card anyway. Visa only gets the crumbs.

I often wonder if the banks monitor their customers' spending on other cards. ANZ must surely see that I transfer a significant amount each month to pay my Amex bill and wonder why they are not getting that spending on my Visa card.

Sorry, have gone off topic!!
A little OT is acceptable :!: :D

I ahve the same issue with a large transfer to AMEX each month but my bank (CBA) doesn't seem to care. :shock:
Well, it's been 5 days since I logged in (self imposed Xmas break from web) and I see Amex is up to more strange tactics.

Month      Transactions      Points Credited      Points Owed 
September^      23               10,000                   0+
October         70               10,000              25,000~
November       102                    0              50,000
December#      118                    0              55,000

^ from date of registration (18/9)
# up to and including 25/12. Goal is 150, so I'm back behind target :( [That would make an overall target of 155K bonus points]
+ Points owed were 5,000 but paid on 10/12
~ Points owed were 35,000 but 10,000 paid on 10/12

I'll probably not make 150, as I am over Amex's promo - I might have some shopping in the post Xmas sales but perhaps I'll do some donations just to spite Amex.
I received 10k points early in dec .. and nix since.
10k is about my sept entitlement at 10t/5k.
Interestingly , in oct , I had a $6 and a $3 transaction.. same place same time.
Maybe the amex fraud sniffer picked that up and I am in purgatory awaiting judgement.
Amex will have cake all over if they do judge me.

I bought 9 cans of degreaser spray on super special for a buck each at Automart.. the nice check out lady had done it twice in a flash.. saying that they had a 6 can limit on the special.

What a comedy this has all become.
I received 10k points early in dec .. and nix since.
10k is about my sept entitlement at 10t/5k.
Interestingly , in oct , I had a $6 and a $3 transaction.. same place same time.
Maybe the amex fraud sniffer picked that up and I am in purgatory awaiting judgement.
Amex will have cake all over if they do judge me.

I bought 9 cans of degreaser spray on super special for a buck each at Automart.. the nice check out lady had done it twice in a flash.. saying that they had a 6 can limit on the special.

What a comedy this has all become.

tgh, are you capped?
After a rather dysmal start to the month of December, I've strangely been able to garner up quite a number of transactions. In fact, my transaction count for December is going to rival if not better my total for November.

It does help that my mother is helping out with her supplementary card.

It also helps greatly that I've donated extensively to charities. Kudos to everyone who helped fill out the relevant thread.
It also helps greatly that I've donated extensively to charities. Kudos to everyone who helped fill out the relevant thread.

I have a pile more that I have to add to that list, too.
Im going to buy a few cheap iPhone apps in the next few days. I've nearly hit 80 transactions after a relatively slow start to December.
Im going to buy a few cheap iPhone apps in the next few days. I've nearly hit 80 transactions after a relatively slow start to December.

Did we ever establish whether iTunes purchases count as a transaction? I remember the discussion was that they were billed in Australian dollars, but from Singapore, so we weren't sure. For those that have been getting bonus points, do they seem to be included in your bonuses or not at this point?
Did we ever establish whether iTunes purchases count as a transaction? I remember the discussion was that they were billed in Australian dollars, but from Singapore, so we weren't sure. For those that have been getting bonus points, do they seem to be included in your bonuses or not at this point?

back in september when the promotion first started my online itunes purchases were counted as transactions and i received points for them but that was when amex were apparently counting everything (even my foreign transactions) so i am not sure what their final verdict will be.

like many people, i have not received any points for anything since late september.
Did we ever establish whether iTunes purchases count as a transaction? I remember the discussion was that they were billed in Australian dollars, but from Singapore, so we weren't sure. For those that have been getting bonus points, do they seem to be included in your bonuses or not at this point?

They seem to be counted in my ongoing T. Just remember that if you buy multiple apps in one day - that might come through as a single T.
They seem to be counted in my ongoing T. Just remember that if you buy multiple apps in one day - that might come through as a single T.

Thanks - I have a couple of tracks that I want to buy as i haven't been able to source them elsewhere (they're overseas tracks) - I don't mind if they come through as a single transaction - after all, it'll only be $3.38 or something like that for two!
Just wondering aloud how many on the 5/5 promotion have made (or will make) a 1000 or more transactions during the promo period....:p. (& be owed a magic 1 million MR pts!!) I expect there will be a few but they wouldn't want to admit this publically yet...;)

...posted to get rid of the annoying: Hello kpc, it appears that you have not posted on our forums in several weeks, why not take a few moments to ask a question, help provide a solution or just engage in a conversation with another member in any one of our forums?
Based on enrolling in all three promos I should have earned 600K points through this promo...
Based on enrolling in all three promos I should have earned 600K points through this promo...

Well if you look at it that way... I should have earned 1,210,000 points... less the 20,000 they have graciously :evil: credited to my account...

They are claiming i should be on 10t/5k ... so i should get 300,000 based on that...

However, I am going to push for the 5t/5k i enrolled into... and get 610,000.

The wait continues.

(Mind you, I have spent quite a bit of money during this promotion, over $115,000)
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Based on enrolling in all three promos I should have earned 600K points through this promo...

Remember, it's not "this promo", it's "these promos". They're separate promotions and all have different sign up codes so you can be enrolled in all three concurrently!

Tomorrow is the last day of the promotion. Amex should be able to work out the exact cost of these promotions they are liable for. I must admit that I have done numerous transactions during the post xmas sales.
Great to hear that you've taken action. It seems that quite a few forumites are hesistant to formally complain to Amex and/or the BFSO. I have not received the suspension letter - surprising given that from what I see on this forum I would guess my transaction count and average $value are high and low, respectively. Perhaps it is because I have already sent two letters to Amex (the first disputing the movement to 10T/5k, the second about the delay in points AND the movement to 10T/5K after getting no response to the first letter).

Amex have until Friday to respond before I elavate to the BFSO which is something I am actually looking forward to after being scr3wed around and ignored for so long. I will post here on Friday to let you all know what happens with the Ombudsman.
I too am currently drafting a formal letter of complaint. I have contacted amex a number of times and no action has been taken. Will be going to the bfso if they don't reply with the points that I'm owed.
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