We are currently cruising in Bligh country. Just passing Direction Island.
I was thinking this morning, as one sometimes does, about infection control amongst large groups of people. And ships are hotbeds of (nope, not that, well, maybe that

) of germs.
Each time you pass into a good serving area you are given a squirt of gel or you DIY.
Yesterday on a ship organised excursion most people were ill. Once the boat had moored most felt fine (although some poor souls still weren't and lay somewhat dying on lounges inside - I guess there was still some movement on the pontoon). So they ate lunch. There was just one bottle of gel and no staff prompts to use it. People were picking up the tongs - that's good. Then others picking up the tongs after them. Also good. But now you've touched something that others have most likely contaminated and how do most of eat bread for instance? In our hands.
Glad I hadn't eaten bread but then realised I'd used my hands to eat the chicken wings. Oh well.
Our time using Telstra wifi must be close to running out as we head towards Cape York. Not too many towers out there.
So sadly (or not so sadly for some) our regular postings may be cut to one or two a day as we rely on ships rather slow internet.
Today's hectic schedule:
9am. Full body stretch class. It's inside so Vlad won't be doing that. But if he does, pix time.
9.30am. Gym workout with weights. (I use free weights which are huge and nothing like what I use at home. But they look impressive as I hoik these huge weights above my head but it's only 15lbs in each hand so below what I'd usually do. I can't work out the machines here so free weights it is. Last night as I was walking into dinner I was approached by a guy who said - "I saw you working out the other day". Mmmm. Awkward. I take little notice of others working out but maybe women don't usually do free weights on Cunard ships?)
Digressed again.
10.30am. The Spa for a quick dip in the massage pool before Dame Older and I do line dancing.
11.15am. Line Dancing.
12noon. Captains announcement.
12.15 PM. Back to the spa and there I will stay until primping time for the formal tonight. A bite to eat sometime or else by 8.30pm I'm ravenous.
7pm. Drinks at a nice bar with Dame the Older.
7.45pm. Captains coughtails maybe?
8.30pm. Formal dinner.
10.45pm Special theatre Performance.
I'm exhausted thinking about it all.