If Vlad doesn't want to show his face a rear view would also be fine
That I can arrange.
Friday 21st March.
At least I think so. With 5 sea days in a row you begin to lose track of day and date.
It's warm and what I call benign weather. Just a little breeze on deck to cool things down. Very smooth seas. Barely a swell. The ship is moving steadily but hardly a brisk pace. No sight of land at all.
Last night's formal evening was Captains coughtail Party and then formal dinner. The Captain does not shake hands with anyone which is related to infection control. Clearly he must by carrying some nasty disease because we are all perfectly healthy.

(That's a joke Joyce).
We are introduced to the most senior officers onboard and of the ten, two are women. Then a rundown of Nationalities of passengers. Several countries represented by one or two passengers, many from the USA, UK, and over 2,000 Aussies. For a ship travelling a world cruise having already completed a large Australian sector, that's impressive, or maybe not so much depending on your take of Aussies.
Then on to formal dinner where once again we have an Officer to host our table. He is one of the Officers introduced earlier. All of our table are Aussies and a delightful group of people we are. There's two people from Canberra, two from WA, two from Tassie, two from NSW, (maybe Qld?) and me from SA.
One of the couples said that word is getting around about our table being hosted. I think they might actually be the ones spreading the word

. Green was the response.
And I've heard of many people who want to move tables because people just aren't enjoying their new found dinner buddies and I think 23 nights dining with people who don't socialise must be very difficult. No such issues on our table as we are having a great time.
We have excellent conversations and our Host last night comes from Sweden and lives in the Lakes District of England. I'm pleased to say I've been on the QM2 longer than he has, (

this Voyage) as he only embarked in Melbourne. He was able to give us an insight as to how life as a family man worked for him being away a few months at a time. He has two small children and guess where they spend their holidays - onboard QM2 or another Cunard ship.
He and a very small crew of 12 were responsible for getting the original QE2 to Dubai when sold to the Middle East a few years ago. That's an interesting story in itself. And at the moment no one seems to have a plan for her.
We were having such a great time talking and laughing we realised we were one of the few tables still left in the dining room. Breakfast tables were being prepared. But the Officer seemed in no rush to end the night so it was with reluctance from us, and great relief from the waiting staff, that we finally said farewell and made our way to the evening entertainment which commenced at 10.45pm. We just made it.
We gained another hour last night.