Just looking at my flights booked for next year, QF4 arrives back at 8.15pm. According to my calculations, it would be impossible for QF to operate the PEK and HNL flights using two specific aircraft.
Not sure what is going to happen, perhaps A333 on some days, or maybe retiming of HNL flights??
Agree. I see it as good news for SYD-HNL you can't operate a SYD-PEK-SYD-HNL-SYD in a 48hr pattern.
QF107 SYD 1350 PEK 2240
QF108 PEK 0015/20 SYD 1455
QF3 SYD 2225 HNL 1110 (9hr 45min)
QF4 HNL 1245 SYD 2015 (10hr 30min)
Even if you bring it forward 6hrs it doesn't work...
Downtime for the two aircraft after SYD-PEK-SYD will be 1700-1200 -- would let the two 332s operate a daily peak SYD-MEL return in the evening and maybe another the following morning.
SYD 1700 MEL 1830
MEL 1930 SYD 2100
SYD 0630 MEL 0800
MEL 0900 SYD 1030
Alternatively if you push back either the SYD-CGK or SYD-MNL routes by 3-4 hours you could potentially fit it.
QF31 SYD 1450 CGK 1835 Su,M,W,F,Sa
QF42 CGK 2005 SYD 0705+1 Su,M,W,F,Sa
QF19 SYD 1310 MNL 1830 Su,M,W,F,Sa
QF20 MNL 2005 SYD 0710+1 Su,M,W,F,Sa
but I suspect 36 biz seats is too much for those routes so Im thinking they will be dedicated to the domestic peaks.