ATO (tax office) payments by credit card

I mentioned earlier that my NAB premium cycle isn't until 16th so I couldn't verify if points were being awarded, but a client with a cycle to 25th has just advised he got full points on the transactions last month.
Hi guys, interested in velocity points - got a $17k HECS debt to pay, which card (don't mind amex/visa) should I use? Currently got citibank signature + plat edge amex. Happy to get a 3rd card with good velocity earn rates. Cheers guys
That would be great, but the merchant would be something like:

A dead giveaway for a bank...

Imagine PAYPAL**AFFSMARTPAY or any number of monthly incarnations ;)

Yes, I see what you mean.
I would be very interested in PAYPAL AFF SMARTPAY :)

I suspect there are a few people on here who could put 7 figures of ATO per year through it. If the percentage was less than the 1.45 % of a big bank amex it would be a huge success.
One question though, how would someone putting a six figure transaction through be guaranteed that the middleman would pass that money on to the ATO. That would be the inherent risk for the big fish who would support this system.
Keep up the good work
Great, thanks, that's interesting.
2.6% is huge.
Interesting though that volume discount can get down to 1.1%
For amex that is great.
Comeflywithme, there is your target:)

$150,000.01 and over1.1% + $0.30

Considering Telstra is now offering fee-free bill payment through Paypal (you get charged by paying using credit card directly), I am pretty sure Paypal can reduce rate on case by case scenario.
Great, thanks, that's interesting.
2.6% is huge.
Interesting though that volume discount can get down to 1.1%
For amex that is great.
Comeflywithme, there is your target:)

$150,000.01 and over1.1% + $0.30

That's my target. I don't think that would be hard with this rag tag crew ;)
One question though, how would someone putting a six figure transaction through be guaranteed that the middleman would pass that money on to the ATO. That would be the inherent risk for the big fish who would support this system.
Keep up the good work

These are the big challenges. We need a system that protects both the customers and the provider. This is where a financial services license may be required. This can get expensive.

We may be able to set it up as a 'mutual' style organisation where the members own the organisation.

I'm thinking this over.

My tech guys could build the system in 2 days, so that's not one of the challenges ;)

I suspect there are a few people on here who could put 7 figures of ATO per year through it.


transaction through be guaranteed that the middleman would pass that money on to the ATO. That would be the inherent risk for the big fish who would support this system.
Keep up the good work

Excellent Q!
Have we got a wiki or a list of cc's which are paying good points for ATO payments? 436 pages is a lot to get through!
Excellent Q!

Indeed it is. I guess it would come down to contract law. You would, in effect, be contracting the organisation to pay a liability on your behalf. If an issue arose, you could sue (or be sued in the case of a fraudulent transaction by the customer).

These are the real complexities. I can get this thing up and running in days rather than weeks, but the legal side of things needs some thought. Any contract lawyers on the forum, please send me a PM.
So I made a small payment with the NAB Velocity Platinum to the ATO a few days ago. Statement period ends on the 28th so I'll give you an update on Monday if the statement has come though. I would love any assistance on the ANZ Black Rewards and whether this is known to be currently paying on ATO