Only one person of my social circle is worried about catching COVID and he is immuno-compromised. I still don’t know anyone personally who has had it in Australia although several members of my family in the UK have and two elderly relatives died. Here we are all vaccinated and not expecting to catch it. We take the normal precautions (mask wearing, etc.) and follow the rules. We live in a part of Sydney that has hardly any cases.
When COVID comes up in conversation the main topics are:
Current Sydney lockdown and when is it going to finish
Incompetence of Federal Govt, especially Morrison and Colbeck - many of my circle have relatives in aged care.
Inability to travel overseas
State border closures - whatever happened to Australia?
i want my old life back
Last year the main discussion focus was being thankful we are in Australia but that has completely changed and many now express the view that they wish they were in Europe or the US. Generally though we talk less and less about the pandemic and more about family, sports, work, etc.