Well I posted that on 26th June.
So yes it is now clear that they acted at least two weeks too late, and yes it also clear that the tighter gathering limits should have been re-introduced in late June rather than waiting for more data.
The lesson is clear, if you have a hotspot you need to jump on it immediately. The unwillingness to roll out localised measures in a timely manner now means that a sledge hammer is required, and that the several hotspots is now the whole of Melbourne. Though perhaps the penny has dropped at last for at least with the apartment towers they seem to have acted in a more timely manner.
PS: If the reports are true of significant numbers of people moving today from Melbourne to holiday homes and paid holiday accommodations then that may end up being the latest bungle. The new rule that you had to stay at your principal place of residence should have been made immediate the day it was announced. Yes people who were already away could finish, but to allow a new and possibly large wave to leave today could well be disastrous. I can only hope that the reports are exaggerated. Normal holiday changeovers are mainly on Saturdays and not mid-week. So if there was a surge today, then it means people have sought a loophole at the expense of others health.