Australian Reports of the Virus Spread

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Thinly staffed hospital systems, throughout Australia are vulnerable to covid infections.
To any infections…

Why are we complaining about Covid causing bed block now?. It’s been happening for many many years.

PreCovid, hospitals routinely had bed block, and elective surgery routinely cancelled due to shortage of beds.
Governments run public hospitals close to 100% predicted capacity all the time. Nurses are generally getting older as the younger ones see the light and leave the profession because of poor pay for what they do

The difference between the weekly before tax pay for a 1st year and top of scale general nurse is about $500 pw. The top scale is $1700 per week before tax. A lot of nurses are unable to live within close to work in metropolitan sydney.

The current patient cohort with or without Covid is getting older, and sicker, and that’s before they get to hospital.
Why be a nurse especially during Covid.
The problem is deeper than just an immediate issue of lack of staffing due to people off sick.

I made a post earlier about a couple of young blokes with (superficially) a story similar to Covid but they in fact had #ribs bad enough to need ICU. Now they will clog up 2 ICU beds likely for about 3 days due to acute stupidity/brain explosion. But as I said, they get treated with the same respect as the VIP.

Maybe if people start thinking about their actions, and the potential consequences of their actions and look after their health and recognise that hospitals are a limited resource and pay Nurses what they are worth then we can rebalance the whole show.

The recent NYE Sydney show where the ABC invited HCW on to a stage to “thank them” was just cringeworthy. Virtue signalling at its worst. What’s an onstage invite where you are being paraded going to help with nursing retention?

1)Put up the resources,
2)pay nurses their worth.
3)Lessen the load - don’t be like the 2 blokes who ended up in ICU due to a lark.

There is a fracture called the “D**kh**d fracture”. Usually presents to hospital around the time of another patient presenting with #jaw. Anyone guess what the fracture is?
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There is a fracture called the “D**kh**d fracture”. Usually presents to hospital around the time of another patient presenting with #jaw. Anyone guess what the fracture is?

Jaw fracture from jaw hitting the ground whenever a state premier starts shrieking and stuttering?
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Hand fracture
Correct but mechanism incorrect

- the d**kh**d goes around punching people - typically 4th metacarpal bone in the hand (not fingers). Then comes to hospital, complaining someone attacked him.

Then someone else comes in with #jaw
And he invariably says he was minding his own business and was king hit out of the blue.

That’s what hospitals have to deal with … …and the rest.
Lockdowns are easy to implement by people whose jobs are secure while they zoom in but more difficult to realise in practice.

Middle classes lockdown while the poor bring them stuff, clean and make sure lockdowns are possible.

Correct but mechanism incorrect

- the d**kh**d goes around punching people - typically 4th metacarpal bone in the hand (not fingers). Then comes to hospital, complaining someone attacked him.

Then someone else comes in with #jaw
And he invariably says he was minding his own business and was king hit out of the blue.

That’s what hospitals have to deal with … …and the rest.
We are ever so fortunate in NSW that the government has been on a decade long campaign to destroy nightlife, largely driven from outspoken medicos at St Vincent’s.

Good forward planning there.
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That’s what hospitals have to deal with … …and the rest.
Quite true.

I think some of our poster friends need to get into the real world at some stage (if that's even possible).
Correct but mechanism incorrect

- the d**kh**d goes around punching people - typically 4th metacarpal bone in the hand (not fingers). Then comes to hospital, complaining someone attacked him.

Then someone else comes in with #jaw
And he invariably says he was minding his own business and was king hit out of the blue.

That’s what hospitals have to deal with … …and the rest.
We called it Saturday night fracture in the UK. History of getting cross and hitting wall. Interestingly walls can leave tooth marks
Another unrelated outbreak in Perth... poor WA :(


Breaking: Perth hotel quarantine guard contracts COVID-19 separate from backpacker cluster​

Perth has a new locally transmitted COVID-19 case separate from the current backpacker cluster that has the city under a blanket of mask and event restrictions.

The new outbreak is a hotel quarantine security guard, making him the first guard to contract the virus while working at a state-run quarantine facility in more than six months.

Authorities said the guard was vaccinated and investigations were under way to find out what variant he was infected with and how he contracted the virus.

WA Health said it was likely there were a number of potential exposure sites.

Another unrelated outbreak in Perth... poor WA :(


Breaking: Perth hotel quarantine guard contracts COVID-19 separate from backpacker cluster​

Perth has a new locally transmitted COVID-19 case separate from the current backpacker cluster that has the city under a blanket of mask and event restrictions.

The new outbreak is a hotel quarantine security guard, making him the first guard to contract the virus while working at a state-run quarantine facility in more than six months.

Authorities said the guard was vaccinated and investigations were under way to find out what variant he was infected with and how he contracted the virus.

WA Health said it was likely there were a number of potential exposure sites.

As someone in PER, please, please let it be Omicron and that the guard has passed it into the community...
The WA Premier needs to talk to Hong Kong officials.You won't keep Omicron out forever.
No, it is the virus that will impact elective and other surgery. If you are a surgeon and know you have covid ( or the cold, or the flu) even if asymptomatic, you can't operate. Off line for 10-14 days. If you can't assemble a theatre crowd, same thing. It's not just hospitalions in general, or policy. Thinly staffed hospital systems, throughout Australia are vulnerable to covid infections.

The virus is not causing that. It’s policy. I am quite sure that a surgeon who is “asymptomatic” with a common cold would have previously worked as normal.
The virus is not causing that. It’s policy. I am quite sure that a surgeon who is “asymptomatic” with a common cold would have previously worked as normal.
No, I don't think so.

I find your comments very interesting. Perhaps you could let us know what line of business you are in.

Maybe you have, but I've missed it.
Not in AU

Palestine population 5M
Israel population 9M
Palestinian population - younger than Israel
Obesity not significant in both populations

Israel 64% of entire population
Palestine 30% of entire population

Israel 40%
Palestine 0%

Israel now starting CovidJab4

Note the vertical axis.....

Problem with "daily new cases" is testing....I cant see testing rates

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Not in AU

Palestine population 5M
Israel population 9M
Palestinian population - younger than Israel
Obesity not significant in both populations

Israel CovidJab2 64% of entire population
Palestine 30%

Israel CovidJab3 40%
Palestine 0%

View attachment 268238
I did find the overall low vax rate in Israel curious and strongly suspected it was due to low uptake/access in Palestinians. Do you know the respective 2jab rates?
No, I don't think so.

I find your comments very interesting. Perhaps you could let us know what line of business you are in.

Maybe you have, but I've missed it.

So explain to me how one would know they have said cold if they are asymptomatic.

What do you find “very interesting”? Qualifications are in business, among other things, including a good stint in public health (where I was again from early 2020 for 18 months).
The virus is not causing that. It’s policy. I am quite sure that a surgeon who is “asymptomatic” with a common cold would have previously worked as normal.
I'm not sure why you are replying with "aysymtomatic" when my comment was specifically referring to a Surgeon with covid, asymptomatic or not.

I would hope that a general surgeon with a cold or flu would NOT have operated before but now, with covid, they would definitely not be operating within a hospital.

I think we are in agreement that we have to find a way to have society function with covid endemic, but equally, can't ignore ( I hope)) that covid has particular stress effects on the health system that can't be ignored. It's not just those who have covid and are not sick, it's those who are genuinely I'll withit and also who we need to keep the wheels of society turning. My cardiologist, my surgeon, my emergency dentist. Tell me, what happens because they can't function due to real covid illness??
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