WA Health is reporting a total of 8,616 new cases to 8pm last night. There are currently 42,988 active cases in Western Australia.
To 8pm last night, there were 209 people with COVID-19 in hospital, nine in ICU.
Sadly, a female in her eighties with COVID-19 passed away on Wednesday.
Six additional historical deaths dating back to 11 March were reported to WA Health yesterday. They comprise of a female in her fifties, a male in his forties, two males in their sixties, a male in his seventies and a male in his nineties.
Active cases: 42,988
Cases in hospital: 209
Cases in ICU: 9
Deaths recorded yesterday: 7
Total case breakdown:
Region Active (new to 8pm last night)
Metropolitan 35,866 (6,914)
Goldfields 703 (156)
Great Southern 717 (165)
Kimberley 565 (156)
Midwest 563 (154)
Pilbara 1,084 (297)
South West 1,251 (299)
Wheatbelt 581 (139)