We do this argument all the time - whether it's "children shouldn't be allowed to be in the lounge", etc. We've done this to death.
When there are finite resources (i.e. a lounge that has limited membership, like a WP membership or above), then we actively look to protect that from others, and see others as taking that away from us.
But the membership requirement is 1400 status credits in your membership year, or 1200 to retain. You got that and so you have access. They got it and so they are just as entitled to be there. We see ourselves as perfectly reasonable and see others as taking away from that. But from their perspective, you might be annoying to them? Who is right? There are only perspectives.
I get this all the time. I now get people thinking I'm a biker because of my beard and interpreting all sorts of things about my behaviour from that, whether I actually behave like that or not. Truth is, we're all entitled to be there. If there is an issue with a person's behaviour there, take it up with them or with QF - but generalising it to a group isn't the way to deal with this.
The Illusion of Asymmetric Insight « You Are Not So Smart is some interesting (but long) reading on this topic.