So what happens with them now? Do they get next the next available flight?? Or because they voluntarily offloaded, is it a fare forfeit?
I assume they would've been able to get on the next available flight easily. The fare conditions are quite fluid for First, but that said I wonder what criteria is used to determine whether a flight segment is "consumed" or not (if it was, might make things more difficult). Of course, had QF not honoured a rebooking, QF would probably be in a pretty bad PR quagmire right now for what would be a fairly trivial request. (Unless, of course, the next day's F cabin didn't have 2 free seats in it

Hang on everyone, I know it is nice to knock some unknown rich guys as a pair of tossers, but how about a bit more of a balanced viewpoint.
Please consider:
1.- There are references to these two ¨chucking a huge hissy fit¨ - perhaps they simply chose not to fly due to the failure of the airline to supply the product they desired, and politely asked to be let off?
2.- Everything is relative. I suspect anyone on here would complain if McDonalds served them a Big Mac with the half the pattie missing, but a starving child in Ethiopia would not understand the gravity of the problem.
3.- If you are paying absolute top dollar for an elite product, the offering of poor substitutes is not good enough, even if it is still more than other pax get. (because they have paid less than a tenth of the fare)
4.- Yes, that a flight is delayed by half an hour because someone wants to get off is a pain for other travellers. But whose fault is that? Why on earth couldnt Qantas source some F pj´s in LAX????
5.- If a couple have paid approx $40,000 for their ticket and you cannot provide them with pj´s, this indicates a problem.
It's a shame we don't have any witnesses in the F cabin, so we can't test this one.
Complaints are nothing new, but what people
do with a complaint is different. Just as if you got your half burger at Maccas, you would go back and ask for another one after showing the faulty burger. You would not charge into the kitchen and slap around the burger making line staff and tell them they should be fired. What would you do if you found your Big Mac, for some odd reason, was missing 2% lettuce to what is normally served? I know this analogy doesn't line up with the situation we have here, but suffice to say there were much more streamlined and effective ways (unless QF were being belligerent) that the pax could've handled this situation.
You seem to imply that the failure of this one component meant that the entire product / service delivery of what the pax paid for is a failure (we'll never get to find out whether the other components were lacking). Someone on a blog said they paid $13k for QF F and then complained there was no Dom Perignon on board, accused QF of bait and switch and called the product a failure. I guess it is fair to hold such views, but in my opinion I think that's a rather unfair one. If the seat was an absolute shambles, I'd agree that the money spent is certainly not congruous with the product delivered and there is a problem. But a missing set of PJs or a Champagne of not preferred house?
That said, such a view and the automatic "first world problems" view probably represent the two poles of the same spectrum of opinion.
No one can deny that QF should've probably had XL PJs on hand. (I assume that such a size exists). But I still think that the pax's resolution to the conflict was a smidge over the top. Whether one can argue that it is majority QF's fault for causing the pax to have such a reaction is very questionable. If I were one of the pax, I would've gone with it, then written to QF to complain, and perhaps request a set of PJs.
For what it's worth, if I recall correctly PJs (and most other amenities) are supplied to the aircraft at the same time as catering is, possibly in the same operation. That would make it very difficult at boarding / near pushback to call back the contractors to find and supply a single amenity.
Certainly, the balance of opinions is much more centered (or at least countered) on the more US-centric media, for example
Lucky and I Were Flying Los Angeles to Melbourne… - View from the Wing and, for those of you that can see, FT Boarding Area blogger Lucky's Facebook wall. Some of them are proposing to lynch QF instead!