Re: Census 2016
I am sure the packer family are never home on census night.
Which Packer family? You don't have to be home, just in this country.
Does it have to be completed on the same device?
Can other people in the same household see what answers someone else has entered?
Anyone in a household who doesn't want others to see their details can ask for a separate form (this has always been the situation), or separate log-on. And yes, anyone can ask for these
after tonight. The rule that it has to be done 'on census night' seems to be largely waived this time.
I dont have any issues with those authorities having such details as this is required for them to undertake their legislative requirements. I can choose to give that info to Insurance companies if I want to, I am not required to. The ABS is simply a gathering place for statistics. They do not need to know me as an individual. Just a statistic.
The ABS also need your details for them to undertake their legislative requirements. The legislative requirements for ABS to collect info, and for all of us to give that info i
s no more or less that those requirements for you to give info to the tax department, social security, Medicare etc. The main difference though, is that ABS census data is rigorously protected and secured within the ABS and cannot be shared with any other government agency. The other ones actively swap data and in fact promote that they do so.
So, unless you plan to withhold your name, address etc when you do your tax return (on line?), make a Medicare claim (on line?) etc, you aren't on solid ground when complaining about having to fill those details in on a census form. At least the census doesn't ask for my banking details

; but then again, it doesn't have to. At least 3 other departments already have them.
Big deal.