I grabbed this pack from WD after sussing out on OzBargain via the link below:
There is a lot of negativity regarding the RRP of the Martins and Kilikanoon, but it seems to be a pretty good deal at around $21 a bottle even ignoring the RRP. I buy a bit from WD so I'm familiar with the Martins and the Curtis (it seems to be in everything). The Kilikanoon i haven't had before, but I've not had many bad wines from them.
I think there is an Amex offer going on at the moment too, but not sure which as i don't have an Amex rewards card, but those that do can probably suss out the deal.
I usually look here for deals rather than OzB because the community can be pretty toxic, but I get suckered in to looking occasionally. . .

78% off RRP on Premium Red Wine Dozen - $250 Delivered (RRP $1140) @ Wine Direct
Deal: 78% off RRP on Premium Red Wine Dozen - $250 Delivered (RRP $1140) @ Wine Direct, Store: winedirect.com.au, Category: Alcohol

There is a lot of negativity regarding the RRP of the Martins and Kilikanoon, but it seems to be a pretty good deal at around $21 a bottle even ignoring the RRP. I buy a bit from WD so I'm familiar with the Martins and the Curtis (it seems to be in everything). The Kilikanoon i haven't had before, but I've not had many bad wines from them.
I think there is an Amex offer going on at the moment too, but not sure which as i don't have an Amex rewards card, but those that do can probably suss out the deal.
I usually look here for deals rather than OzB because the community can be pretty toxic, but I get suckered in to looking occasionally. . .