The most frustrating thing for me those days is some regular Australians saying "yeah, its horrible" about Ukraine assault but at the same time nod their heads "yeah BUT its in fact US who is to blame, Putin is right protecting his country's interests".
Let me be clear - it is NOT in people of Russia interest to kill their brothers and sisters that are as close to each other as kiwis and aussies.

There are no US troops in Ukraine, nor other NATO countries.

Ukraine was neutral state up until now. Even after annexation of its regions in 2014.

End even this days as Ukraine pleading for help, there still no military support from NATO.

Ukrainian "right sector" nationalists that Putin clams to protect Ukraine from, got minimal support with population nor any representation in parliament flowing free election.
The only one who instigated situation is Putin with his sick ambitious to conquer the world and "great' Russia that in fact weak economically and horrible place to live for its own ppl. Fact that you can witness if you ever keen to travel outside Moscow and take in account global migration steams. I don't see regular aussies ever wheeling to go and live under 'strong leader' Putin, instead it is millions of us russians, experienced it first hand, have to flee our country hijaсked by killers and thieves.
Until you do travel to regional Russia and understand all this, please don't consider yourself properly informed on that field.
Just the fact that you hate US foreign policy doesn't meant that Russian or Chinese regimes any better choice for the world.
Good thing is - Putin already lost. He completely trashed his economy, divided his own elites that can any time turn against him now, He become 100% war criminal ready for Hague tribunal if not die or get killed prior.
But main thing - he achieved exact opposite of what he tried to get - NOW Ukrainian population party loyal to Russia a week ago is fully united against so called 'russian world'. Same as Kazakhs (remember russian troops clearin protests there in January), Belarusians after putins support their own dictator Lukashenko, and of cause Georgia, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Moldova. He surrounded Russia by hostile nations - this is not in Russian people interests.
Now Ukraine got 100% solid base to stop being neutral and ask for protection and membership in EU, NATO and to acquire nuclear weapon - and it has full right to do so.