re: Discussion/Q&A on Best QF Status Run Options
I was going to suggest (((ADL - DXB (J) - AKL (J) - MEL (F) - ADL (J).)))
On a purely revenue ticket, that would be the bees knees for collecting QF SC, assuming the new DXB - AKL direct flight will carry a QF flight number.
Edit: take something to your NZ client, on the OPC, you could say its "Conference"/"Business" and not "Holiday/Other".
Edit: just played around with the QF SC calculator, DXB - AKL - DXB looks like not in the QF tie up, no QF flight number, so no QF SC, bugga.
11,250 QF QF points one way though.
Will put the bone down now.
What the...?
Have you actually bothered to price this out also?
Frankly telling NZ (or anyone) customs you're on business is likely to arouse slightly (very slightly) more suspicion than being honest about a points run or flying F or whatever if you ask me.
I honestly don't see your particular (oft stated) concern about questioned asked by border people. I mean I honestly do not understand why this seems to worry you so much. In fact the more you appear to worry about it probably gives off non verbals to those trained to spot them that you *are* concerned, and that would then possibly lead to further interest in you as a passenger (I mean seriously, have you watched Border Security at all?

My view, as I have oft stated (and it's boring, and I apologise to everyone) is that doing day returns to NZ or whatever is *perfectly legal* - it's our money. There is absolutely nothing wrong with what we're doing. And you know if Smartgate picked up on a day return, well that's fine but it's also common for people to go places just for a few hours of meetings, and again it's not like you're going to a known drugs hotspot or something to do a "transaction" which may spark more justified interest(see below).
Yes Poochie, you've been asked some questions at AKL once or twice before (or maybe it was MEL, I can't keep track). - so what? they are *doing their job* - were you refused entry? No. Were you detained? No. Did it take undue time? Probably not. I've been asked the odd question and it really does *not* bother me. I've got nothing on me, I'm not doing anything wrong so I have absolutely nothing to fear from people doing their job. Frankly NZ/OZ etc immigration / customs could care less about people doing short turns or whatever unless they have a reason to.
Let me relate a story that I probably have earlier at some point, but somehow I feel it bears repeating. >10 years ago I did a day return MEL-BKK-HKG (well more of a day and a half given the distances) over Christmas as I needed some status miles prior to the end of that year and frankly, HKG on Christmas Day was always going to be much more fun than dead Melbourne. So I flew out late Dec 24 MEL-BKK-HKG in a mix of Y and F) and spent 8 hours in Honkers, then flew back HKG-BKK-MEL, arriving lunchtime 26th Dec. Well guess what Customs flagged me for inspection. And you know what? I'm glad they did - they're doing their job and clearly someone going through Thailand(A known high risk country) and only spending a few hours in HKG bloody well *should* set off a flag to anyone with any form of common sense. I was HLO and they checked and swabbed it and me - no result (of course since *I* knew I was clean) well the supervisor there was a bit grumpy and got in my face saying "9 times out of 10 people like you have drugs and I'm going to prove it"(or words to that effect). I didn't really appreciate the attitude but that's OK because hey, I didn't do anything wrong and I had nothing to worry about (except maybe the dude putting on the latex glove...

) well they called in the AFP to interview me. When the guys came to interview me and the first thing they said was "Mate we were watching the cricket!" I relaxed. They were fine (and told me the score too

) and we talked for 20-30 minutes and yep, I just explained my thing, showed my FF status cards, discussed my work and income etc. They were satisfied and clearly rated me as a "harmless aviation nerd" and told customs to let me go (so they could get back to the cricket

)... apart from that one grumpy cat supervisor, the rest of the Australian Customs Service(as they were then called) were polite, professional and friendly. I left still with a glare from that supervisor, who I am sure probably wanted me hauled off for an internal exam, but I was spared that (for the record I would have done that too willingly, if not happily, just because I know they would find nothing). I'd also note that previously my brother HAD had the fully body cavity search for spending 3 months in India and Thailand (and yet he was shocked to be pulled aside.. I was like uh really? What did you expect?) so again given that I was not at all surprised.
And while not the most fun of experiences I had absolutely nothing to worry about. I'd only done something unusual, not illegal. Our border protection agency (this was 2003 or 2004) were doing their jobs, and I could not fault them for that. Maybe Grumpy Cat's attitude, but that's life.
Since then I've not had a blip from anyone (maybe I've been marked as harmless for life?

) but you know what if I'm stopped again I won't be worried. I answer the questions, stay calm since there's nothing bad or wrong going on, and go through the process.
As soon as one worries about doing something they shouldn't be, that's when things can go wrong.
my 2 cents.