Domestic Row 4/Row 23 and seating for WP Discussion

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Re: Qantas thanks its most loyal customers

Why couldn't this started a few hours ago? Oh well, now I know what I'm going to be reading over breakfast:D
Re: Qantas thanks its most loyal customers

Please do not start a p*ssing contest, as there are many here (inc moi) who fly a lot more than you.

putting things into perspective as many people who jump at this don't fly regularly.

The addition of an extra pax in 4E is unlikely to significantly affect JohnK's overall disembarking experience.

my reference was not in relation to someone sitting next to him, it was in relation to wilco commenting on it taking a few seconds longer. we all know it doesn't.

JohnK was in Row 4 as it was.

That said, being in the first row of economy is not a published benefit of being a WP. Nor is having the seat next to your blocked.
But wasn't put there initially. As i have already mentioned the booking system allows higher status pax access to more seating in the a/c. When you don't get a seat choice (row 4) and a non status flyer does, then should you not feel annoyed??
Re: Qantas thanks its most loyal customers

When you don't get a seat choice (row 4) and a non status flyer does, then should you not feel annoyed??

But it would be unknown as to why the other person has been able to select those seats, could be due to any number of reasons.
Re: Qantas thanks its most loyal customers

I travel at least once a week on a mix of both QF and DJ and have gold with both. Whilst I may not fly as much as you, I fly enough to have a qualified opinion. The same logic could be applied to traffic, supermarket queues and almost every facet of life. What makes you (generally speaking) so important that you're entitled to save that 7minutes at the expense of everyone else??

So if you have the means to reduce said waiting time, why can't you? Status on an airline helps with that (just like priority boarding - or do you queue with everyone else???).

Regarding row 4, see my reply. There are only 6 seats and if you miss out, BAD LUCK. You do not have a RIGHT to those seats. If you want the room/space, buy J, if not, you get what you're given.

Well if 6 WP's or CL got there first then fine. But if someone with no status did, then the system isn't working as it should.

Having a WP shadow is nice, but i don't expect it as the seat is revenue. but if the flight is lightly loaded then spreading pax around and using shadows is a better option.
Re: Qantas thanks its most loyal customers

I don't think its any of your business why someone else is sitting in any particular seat. I also don't see how you can possibly know who has what status. Are you secretly eyeing off their BP's?
I will look and study anyone's boarding pass if it is left lying around. Are you saying I should close my eyes if they come in contact with another boarding pass?

Why does this only apply to you? What about the other poor cough that missed his ride by a few minutes because he was sat a few rows back. Im sorry, but your selfishness astounds me.
Selfishness? If you only knew how much time I spent researching and planning to ensure I get the best possible seats in economy. I don't want to be stuck behind some clown who has 3 carry ons and cannot remember where they are but are possibly in the bin above row 4, row 5 and row 6.

If you are that desperate for those 5 minutes, then perhaps you shouldn't be flying. I know its stressful, but its stressful for everyone. Same applies to the delays, everyone suffers them. Trust me, you are not alone in this.
Some days I am desperate for every single minute. Why should I stop flying?

Because the airlines refuse to get their act together?

Because the once a year flyers with 3 kids in tow prefer to sit in row and take up to 5 minutes to get off the aircraft?
Re: Qantas thanks its most loyal customers

putting things into perspective as many people who jump at this don't fly regularly.

so what? because you fly once more per year than someone else, that makes you more qualified or your opinion more valid??

my reference was not in relation to someone sitting next to him, it was in relation to wilco commenting on it taking a few seconds longer. we all know it doesn't.

how long does it take? And again, why should you not have the inconvenience when everyone else does?? I'm sorry, but this "expectation" is distasteful.

But wasn't put there initially. As I have already mentioned the booking system allows higher status pax access to more seating in the a/c. When you don't get a seat choice (row 4) and a non status flyer does, then should you not feel annoyed??

So the system stuffed up. Big deal. He managed to get row 4, just not EXACTLY what he wanted. You really have nothing else going on in your life than to be annoyed at some random stranger getting a better seat on a plane than you? Dude.... thats I'm lost for words. Try being grateful that you got where you were going safely and in relative comfort.
Id hate to see how you'd deal with a real crisis.
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Re: Qantas thanks its most loyal customers

So if you have the means to reduce said waiting time, why can't you? Status on an airline helps with that (just like priority boarding - or do you queue with everyone else???).

Well if 6 WP's or CL got there first then fine. But if someone with no status did, then the system isn't working as it should.

Having a WP shadow is nice, but i don't expect it as the seat is revenue. but if the flight is lightly loaded then spreading pax around and using shadows is a better option.

It kinda depends on my mood. I'm certainly not going to profess to being an angel, but generally, the plane aint going anywhere without you and excluding the overhead bin space issue, there really is no difference, to me at least, if I'm waiting in the queue or if I'm sat in my seat. In fact, id rather be in the line than having to get up to let the window and middle passengers in.

maybe there were 6 WP's, P1's or CL's, some of which failed to board? You guys take it soo personally. As has been explained, there is any number of reasons as to why someone was sat there instead of the complainant. It is none of anyone else's business why that is the case. Row 4 is not the sole domain of WP's. the sooner you guys realise that, the better of you'll be.

As for this shadow business, i don't know much about it and don't really care for it. I often book an EXST which guarantees me a spare seat. But more to the point, an AC must be in weight and balance before takeoff. Passenger loading is secondary to fuel and cargo. That is why you can't change seats until after takeoff. There are so many other factors associated with flying, that unfortunately don't revolve around WP's, but you guys seem oblivious to them because, bless, all you're concerned with is not having got row 4 because of some non status pregnant women. Sorry mate, but not cool. not cool at all.
Re: Qantas thanks its most loyal customers

so what? because you fly once more per year than someone else, that makes you more qualified or your opinion more valid??

I referred to people who might only fly a few times a year and make comments on seating selection (go read the link i posted for a recent example).

how long does it take? And again, why should you not have the inconvenience when everyone else does?? I'm sorry, but this "expectation" is distasteful.

You obviously didn't read my earlier post about how much time it can cost over a year. So i'm guessing you don't use the Priority boarding lanes then when flying DJ??? wouldn't be fair on the other pax now would it? As i repeat again, status does get you some perks, one being choosing seats up front (if you choose of course).

So the system stuffed up. Big deal. He managed to get row 4, just not EXACTLY what he wanted. You really have nothing else going on in your life than to be annoyed at some random stranger getting a better seat on a plane than you? Dude.... thats I'm lost for words. Try being grateful that you got where you were going safely and in relative comfort.
Id hate to see how you'd deal with a real crisis.

Listen to you. you can only resort to attacking now. Which seems to be common to you in many threads.
Re: Qantas thanks its most loyal customers

I will look and study anyone's boarding pass if it is left lying around. Are you saying I should close my eyes if they come in contact with another boarding pass?

Selfishness? If you only knew how much time I spent researching and planning to ensure I get the best possible seats in economy. I don't want to be stuck behind some clown who has 3 carry ons and cannot remember where they are but are possibly in the bin above row 4, row 5 and row 6.

Some days I am desperate for every single minute. Why should I stop flying?

Because the airlines refuse to get their act together?

Because the once a year flyers with 3 kids in tow prefer to sit in row and take up to 5 minutes to get off the aircraft?

You are an enigma to me. You think its ok to spy on people just because its there and you can? Im not suggesting you close your eyes, but how about making the conscious choice to not pay too much attention to peoples private information for your own selfish gain. And yes, I know if they leave it lying around its fair game, but it kinda isn't. If you see something you think you shouldn't, then you have the choice to not look at it. but I'm betting your desperate to know, so that you can compare yourself to them, for what purpose, I dunno. I couldn't give a toss who or what I'm sitting next to, as long as my personal space is not invaded, meaning, if you are of size, buy the space you need.

You're so desperate for those 5 minutes, yet you spend an inordinate amount of time researching and planning to make sure YOU get the best seats in economy? Thats about as contradictory a statement as you'll ever read.

All I'm reading here is "me" "me" "me". "i don't want this", "i don't want that". If flying stresses you out, fly private, or is that not an option? surely your WP status must afford you the new qantas private jet service? No? well I'm sorry to hear that. I suppose you could always settle for Business class? whats that?, not an option either? hmmm, well I guess you'll be stuck in coach with everyone else then huh?

Dude, you need to chill out, or your going to give yourself a coronary. No one is saying you should stop flying, but why should the once a year traveller with his 3 kids? ITS NOT ALL ABOUT YOU! Life is a mixed bag, and you cannot control everything all the time. The sooner you learn that, the better off you'll be.
Re: Qantas thanks its most loyal customers

I referred to people who might only fly a few times a year and make comments on seating selection (go read the link i posted for a recent example).

You obviously didn't read my earlier post about how much time it can cost over a year. So i'm guessing you don't use the Priority boarding lanes then when flying DJ??? wouldn't be fair on the other pax now would it? As i repeat again, status does get you some perks, one being choosing seats up front (if you choose of course).

Listen to you. you can only resort to attacking now. Which seems to be common to you in many threads.

Is row 4 a published benefit of WP? do they GUARANTEE you row 4 on the 738 and 20 whatever on the 767? you can choose those seats, but sometimes $hit happens. In this case, the aircraft was subbed twice. Even if it hadn't been.... so what? I want to know why you have the right to sit in this row? you buy an eco seat, you get an eco seat. why should you get something more (more legroom) than you paid for?? where do you draw the line? Row 4 is kinda like business, so just put me there instead, infact you know what, business is kinda like first class, so put me there has to end somewhere and you can't always get what you want. the complainant missed out this time, to a pregnant women. you win some you lose some.

i didn't attack you... I'm just trying to understand how something, that to me is so insignificant, has such a major impact on your life and warrants you getting annoyed about. You do understand you are talking about getting annoyed about a pregnant women sitting in a seat that you should have been sitting in because in your mind, you're more important than she? That is the crux of the issue my friend. If you see that as a personal attack, so be it, I see it as stating the bleeding obvious.

furthermore, it wasn't directed at you per se, it was more of a generic statement highlighting how insignificant, in the greater scheme of things, this issue really is. its a goddam seat on a plane for crying out loud. God forbid if something major happened in your life, you'd see that this would pale into insignificance. Thats all I was trying to get across.

Question: Would you behave the same way about a seat on the bus? And that because you catch it everyday, you should get to sit wherever you want?

To my mind, the entire scenario is ridiculous.
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Re: Qantas thanks its most loyal customers

Not only could I not get 4CD as these already had Platinums but Qantas saw it fit to allow someone with no status to sit in 4E with Platinums in 4D and 4F while there were vacant seats scattered throughout the cabin.

Two things, John:

1. how do you know the 4E pax's status (or lack thereof)?

2. if no status, it's quite possible that the pax was preallocated a seat further back, but changed the allocation at check in to move further forward. The WP 'shadow' is far from guaranteed - especially if the seating allocation system was playing up, as you say.
Re: Qantas thanks its most loyal customers

i guess it is natural that if you are stuck in a middle seat, then you would want a middle seat as far forward as possible. if you recheck at the gate, and ask for a better seat, do we expect the gate agent to sit and look at the status of the passengers sitting in each seat? I would suspect they may not have too much time.

so if you are sitting in 24E and you go to the podium after boarding has commenced and ask for a better seat, the staff might see 4E as open. blocking of seats is not guaranteed on qantas, so I suppose if you see 4E open why not allocate it?

I personally dislike it when check in staff tell you a flight is full, or there are no spare seats, when in fact there are. so the person originally in 24E might be a little bit peeved as well when they are told there is nothing better but in fact 4E was open.

and after all, that person sitting in 4E could have been paying more than the platinum in 4F. and qantas probably wouldn't mind keeping that passenger rather than seeing them go to virgin. after all, the platinum is in golden handcuffs...
Re: Qantas thanks its most loyal customers

i guess it is natural that if you are stuck in a middle seat, then you would want a middle seat as far forward as possible. if you recheck at the gate, and ask for a better seat, do we expect the gate agent to sit and look at the status of the passengers sitting in each seat? I would suspect they may not have too much time.

so if you are sitting in 24E and you go to the podium after boarding has commenced and ask for a better seat, the staff might see 4E as open. blocking of seats is not guaranteed on qantas, so I suppose if you see 4E open why not allocate it?

I personally dislike it when check in staff tell you a flight is full, or there are no spare seats, when in fact there are. so the person originally in 24E might be a little bit peeved as well when they are told there is nothing better but in fact 4E was open.

and after all, that person sitting in 4E could have been paying more than the platinum in 4F. and qantas probably wouldn't mind keeping that passenger rather than seeing them go to virgin. after all, the platinum is in golden handcuffs...

Please take your logical explanations and common sense elsewhere!! lol
Re: Qantas thanks its most loyal customers

Is row 4 a published benefit of WP? do they GUARANTEE you row 4 on the 738 and 20 whatever on the 767? you can choose those seats, but sometimes $hit happens. In this case, the aircraft was subbed twice. Even if it hadn't been.... so what? I want to know why you have the right to sit in this row? you buy an eco seat, you get an eco seat. why should you get something more (more legroom) than you paid for?? where do you draw the line? Row 4 is kinda like business, so just put me there instead, infact you know what, business is kinda like first class, so put me there has to end somewhere and you can't always get what you want. the complainant missed out this time, to a pregnant women. you win some you lose some.

what part of what i have written don't you understand?? as a status pax you have a better seat selection!

i didn't attack you... I'm just trying to understand how something, that to me is so insignificant, has such a major impact on your life and warrants you getting annoyed about. You do understand you are talking about getting annoyed about a pregnant women sitting in a seat that you should have been sitting in because in your mind, you're more important than she? That is the crux of the issue my friend. If you see that as a personal attack, so be it, I see it as stating the bleeding obvious.

furthermore, it wasn't directed at you per se, it was more of a generic statement highlighting how insignificant, in the greater scheme of things, this issue really is. its a goddam seat on a plane for crying out loud. God forbid if something major happened in your life, you'd see that this would pale into insignificance. Thats all I was trying to get across.

Well if you think that you aren't attacking, I strongly suggest you take a step back. You have already shown that you can't understand peoples other interests and are therefore weird to your thinking (heck someone started a thread because of it). How I deal with things is how i choose too. For all i care what you think is important to you is insignificant to me.

And there you go assuming again. How do you know I haven't dealt with something major in my life? i deal with the issues as they present themselves. when I choose my seat on my next flight, my issue at the time is where shall I sit?

Question: Would you behave the same way about a seat on the bus? And that because you catch it everyday, you should get to sit wherever you want?

To my mind, the entire scenario is ridiculous.

Actually i do have preferred seats on my train that i catch to work. yes you may call it ridiculous, but it serves a purpose. I catch the front carriage on the way into work and sit on the left side. On the way home I sit on the right side in the 4th carriage. why? because I miss the crush at either end by being right next the where the exit to the station is. and why change sides? It keeps the sun glare off what I may be reading. But then last time i looked, metro doesn't have status like QF do.

You summed it up perfectly - It'sin your mind. It's yourthinking. It doesn't make you right and me wrong.
Re: Qantas thanks its most loyal customers

what part of what i have written don't you understand?? as a status pax you have a better seat selection!

Well if you think that you aren't attacking, I strongly suggest you take a step back. You have already shown that you can't understand peoples other interests and are therefore weird to your thinking (heck someone started a thread because of it). How I deal with things is how i choose too. For all i care what you think is important to you is insignificant to me.

And there you go assuming again. How do you know I haven't dealt with something major in my life? i deal with the issues as they present themselves. when I choose my seat on my next flight, my issue at the time is where shall I sit?

Actually i do have preferred seats on my train that i catch to work. yes you may call it ridiculous, but it serves a purpose. I catch the front carriage on the way into work and sit on the left side. On the way home I sit on the right side in the 4th carriage. why? because I miss the crush at either end by being right next the where the exit to the station is. and why change sides? It keeps the sun glare off what I may be reading. But then last time i looked, metro doesn't have status like QF do.

You summed it up perfectly - It'sin your mind. It's yourthinking. It doesn't make you right and me wrong.

A better seat "selection" does not guarantee you your preferred seat, nor one of 2 or 3 others that are to your liking.

Its not that I don't understand other peoples interests, it's more that I don't understand how being a WP is an "interest" or a "hobby". If I went out on a date and asked someone what their hobbies and interests were, id expect something a bit more substantial than " being a Qantas platinum frequent flyer".

You are more than welcome to deal with whatever situation as you see fit, but for mine, getting annoyed at some random stranger because she is in a seat that you want to be in is at best, irrational and at worst delusional. I did not assume anything regarding your life experiences, but if this is your biggest problem then you must be doing ok.

Do you get annoyed if someone is sat in your seat on the train? Or do you just find another seat that may not be exactly what you wanted, but that will do on this occasion? And why am I not surprised that your preferred seats are those that you deem the most desirable, that are closest to the exits so that you are not inconvenienced by the riff raff.
Who is bothered to actually count which carriage they get on anyway?

When your friends pick you up in their car, do u dictate which seat you sit in also? Do you kick your friends wife out of the front seat because you "don't do" backseats?

I think that is the crux of the issue. Some WP's have this false sense of grandeur and importance that makes you believe you are superior to others and therefore deserve preferential treatment. Newsflash mate: I and anyone else could be WP by the end of the week if we wanted to. It means nothing, and certainly doesn't make you better or more important.

I mean, you catch public transport to work.... In some people's eyes that makes you inferior. Or the fact you live far enough from the city to warrant catching PT makes you inferior. But that's ok, your a QF WP, surely that counts for something right?

If your life revolves around WP and the benefits it gives you, good luck to you. I personally couldn't imagine anything so dull and my life has greater worth and meaning than some stupid airline status. What woold you do if your job changed and you didn't travel?? Perish the thought.

I never said I'm right and you're wrong. What I'm tying to say is that I think it's silly to get all worked up over nothing. If that's what you choose to do, and how you choose to handle situations, so be it. It will only affect and impact you and not me, so eat your heart out. Get all worked up and annoyed over the non status pregnant woman who stole your seat, see if I care.
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Re: Qantas thanks its most loyal customers

Can a moderator please moderate the title of this thread so that it matches the pointlessness of the last few pages.

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Re: Qantas thanks its most loyal customers

Actually you have no idea or you are simply trying to stir up trouble.

Yeah, he/she tends to do that. <redacted>

More and more threads are being derailed by seemingly unnecessary personal attacks. The quality of AFF is suffering overall IMO.

wilco, if you disagree with someone maybe you could trying being polite about it sometimes?
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What...and leave us Moderators with nothing to do :o :(

Seems I missed all the fun last night, but I had to put a sick child first. Some people just can't leave an opposing view alone :rolleyes:
Re: Qantas thanks its most loyal customers

@TonyHancock........... How dare you post something so relevant to the thread topic!!:D

@Wilco......... I don't know you, I just find so very many of your opinions and posts, to be so incredibly negative and so out of touch with ACTUAL frequent flyers. You skirt around the edges of personal attacks on a regular basis. The fact you do it to some of the most respected members on the forum is surely seeing your "value" to this forum eroding rapidly.

The stupid thing is Wilco...... You DO have some valid points...... You DO have an alternative point of view, which many members (myself included) are interested to read..... It's just that those brief flashes of valuable contribution are sandwiched between so much inane rubbish that they are becoming more difficult to find.

You are either a "dream passenger" (A status pax with absolutely no problem where you sit on the plane or where you queue, how the airline rewards your loyalty, etc.... Maybe you don't even use the lounges??)

The alternative to you being a "Dream passenger", if I were to state it, would see my post moderated which I don't really care for.

I'd go out on a limb and say the majority of AFF'ers would (based on your posts) consider your relevance to this forum to be on the wane.

I find that pretty disappointing because as I mentioned above..... You DO actually have a contribution to make.
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Re: Qantas thanks its most loyal customers

Another Wilco who does find your arguments disturbing.You obviously have not met JohnK.I have and he is definitely not the person you portray,possibly the exact opposite.
I also do take note of others BPs-not the name but where the FF number and status is-when they literally shove them in front of your face.I dont go out of my way to look.
And yes if we are in a friend's car and I have been allocated the front seat mrsdrron will demand I go to the back as she doesn't do back seats.:)
You will catch a lot more with honey IMHO.
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