Domestic Row 4/Row 23 and seating for WP Discussion

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I'm not sure whether the booking class has an impact on seat selection, I regularly fly K/Y and I haven't had issues with getting row 3/23 seat selections.
it strikes me as a bit funny that when I, as a ticketed First class passenger, suggest that platinums should not have F lounge access 'because of the crush' that not many people agree with me :)

platinums should realise that they are responsible for causing their own crush too, but some of us have to put up with it... so karma really... I dunno.. people without 'first class status'... geez... :)
Re: Qantas thanks its most loyal customers

If your life revolves around WP and the benefits it gives you, good luck to you. I personally couldn't imagine anything so dull and my life has greater worth and meaning than some stupid airline status.

For someone who thinks that this stuff is "dumb" and "stupid" you seem to spend an inordinate amount of time posting on a forum dedicated to these topics.

And there you go again with "your life is worth more than someone who dares to be interested in maximising the return on their flying".

Straight question, why are you actually a member of this site?
it strikes me as a bit funny that when I, as a ticketed First class passenger, suggest that platinums should not have F lounge access 'because of the crush' that not many people agree with me :)

platinums should realise that they are responsible for causing their own crush too, but some of us have to put up with it... so karma really... I dunno.. people without 'first class status'... geez... :)

I get a wonderful feeling when entering an F lounge occupying some of the cheapest seats on the market:cool: But, tomorrow I enter the lounge as a fully fledged F flyer and hope that I'm not overwhelmed by lowly Death star people ;)
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Re: Qantas thanks its most loyal customers

Its not that I don't understand other peoples interests, it's more that I don't understand how being a WP is an "interest" or a "hobby". If I went out on a date and asked someone what their hobbies and interests were, id expect something a bit more substantial than " being a Qantas platinum frequent flyer".

See here's the thing - that's your opinion, to which you are of course entitled, but it doesn't mean others must to share your view. You seem (to me at least) intent on forcing your view of the world onto others.

I do wonder why you frequent this forum, wilco - you must find it very frustrating.

You are more than welcome to deal with whatever situation as you see fit ...
Heh, I've finally finished reading this whole thread, and this is the polar opposite of everything else you've said :)
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Well I'm very glad to have been exploring the meal layers in my stomach last night. It allowed me to read all this quickly now in the morning. Gastro is good for something, even if I forfeited an airfare.

I never said he did call them that, i was making the point that there are numerous passengers that DO call them that though.

It was probably an implication, I think the other things I was doing distracted me from be precise in my language. I must also say that you and ozbeachbabe make some of the best contributions to AFF. I did have a passing though later in the night that Karma might have been paying me back for questioning you.

I think before this gets into a ****-fight, i'm just saying what it is and what happens.

I certainly agree with everything else you wrote. I think I'm already on the record to say Golds can be some of the worse and most pushy people on aircraft. ;) :rolleyes:
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Re: Qantas thanks its most loyal customers

@TonyHancock........... How dare you post something so relevant to the thread topic!!:D

@Wilco......... I don't know you, I just find so very many of your opinions and posts, to be so incredibly negative and so out of touch with ACTUAL frequent flyers. You skirt around the edges of personal attacks on a regular basis. The fact you do it to some of the most respected members on the forum is surely seeing your "value" to this forum eroding rapidly.

The stupid thing is Wilco...... You DO have some valid points...... You DO have an alternative point of view, which many members (myself included) are interested to read..... It's just that those brief flashes of valuable contribution are sandwiched between so much inane rubbish that they are becoming more difficult to find.

You are either a "dream passenger" (A status pax with absolutely no problem where you sit on the plane or where you queue, how the airline rewards your loyalty, etc.... Maybe you don't even use the lounges??)

The alternative to you being a "Dream passenger", if I were to state it, would see my post moderated which I don't really care for.

I'd go out on a limb and say the majority of AFF'ers would (based on your posts) consider your relevance to this forum to be on the wane.

I find that pretty disappointing because as I mentioned above..... You DO actually have a contribution to make.

Its funny that you say my posts are negative, when the reality is, there is nothing else they can be. They are in response to what I perceive to be negative posts, with little to no positive side to them.

Its not so much as a difference of opinion. Everyones entitled to that, but its this sense of WP's expecting and demanding certain things that I find mentally draining.

I have read many of your posts, and ill go out on a limb and say that, to me it seems you'd be one of QF's most valuable customers. You and your staff are P1's and you always fly paid F and I've never once seen you carry on like some WP's do. In fact I don't think I've seen any SG's or PS's carry on as poorly as some WP's.
I think its improbable that you have not had a negative experience on any airline that you fly, but we don't see you behaving like the original complainant. You of all people should have a genuine sense of entitlement and yet you don't. That is why I find it so grating when someone pipes up with the stuff that they do and its always the same people over and over and over.

You also strike me as a very busy and successful person and one who pays for the service you expect to receive. I don't see you buying red e deals and expecting F, just because you are valuable to QF. You pay, you receive. Some others expect a bottle of dom perignon after having paid for a bottle of VB and that does not sit well with me.

At the end of the day, Cabin and fare should always trump status, and you are both, which is a formidable combination.

Whilst I concede many of my posts go against the grain, I think the underlying message is valid. If you think me and my posts are irrelevant, you don't have to read them, but I'm sick and tired of hearing about these poor WP's who are so hard done by and will make a point of telling them so.
Re: Qantas thanks its most loyal customers

And for the record, I don't do PT, because its not to my liking, but you don't hear me going on about how metro should have a special "wilco" zoned off area that only I and people of my ilk get to sit in so that i don't have to be exposed to the suburban riff raff.

It all comes back to an earlier question.... What would you do if someone was sat in your carriage, on your side of the train, in your seat?? Would you behave in the same way and rant about how this poor inconsiderate so and so sat in your seat, thereby inconveniencing you and putting you through the trauma of a Flinders St crush??


Interesting argument with just 3 minor problems:
  1. Metro doesn't have a frequent trainer program
  2. Everyone who frequently get on a train specifically choose the same carriage everytime. If you did PT you would know this. e.g. I get on the 2nd last carriage of the train from SYD airport to central, that allows me to quickly switch platforms to catch the train to King's Cross. I get the 4th last carriage, rear door when going to SYD airport, this puts me out next to the lift that is my preferred option as I have some mobility issues. When going to Lidcombe for meetings I get the front carriage, again this puts me near the lift.
  3. Metro doesn't have a frequent trainer program.
Re: Qantas thanks its most loyal customers

  1. Everyone who frequently get on a train specifically choose the same carriage everytime.

They sure do. When I lived in Sydney I caught the train to work for years. I didn't know them by name, but I recognised at least half of the people in the carriage every single day. And most of them even sat in the same seats most of the time. However this entire line of questioning/argument is a complete red herring, because as you've stated there is no such thing as a frequent trainer program.
Re: Qantas thanks its most loyal customers

I have no idea what you are talking about here..

And has anyone here made the same comment?? seriously! just about everyone i know that catches PT has their preferred area on a train they like to be, for whatever reason.

And I don't have a particular seat on the train, just a preferred carriage and side. and even then sometimes the trains are too packed to worry about that. But I will still get in the usual carriage. and judging by your last comment you have never been at Flinders st during the morning peak.

This is what i just don't get.... If you can have an element of indifference on the train, why does this change when the mode of transport is an aircraft??

Im not against the complainant for having a seat preference or even being a little pissed that he didn't get it, but to spy on someone else and get upset that she got "his" seat when she is a "nobody" is just sad as is the suggestion he has been "wronged" by QF for giving the seat to her over him .

Thats the only point I'm trying to make.

And no, I don't do PT and have not experienced the morning peak, but having grown up in London and catching the tube, I'm more than aware of how dire the situation can be but you know what, everyone is in it together and the last things anyone needs is some mr high and mighty thinking he deserves better.

QF offer 2, 3 or 4 cabins of service and the complainant is free to choose one that is more suitable or to his liking.
I get a wonderful feeling when entering an F lounge occupying some of the cheapest seats on the market:cool: But, tomorrow I enter the lounge as a fully fledged F flyer and hope that I'm not overwhelmed by lowly Death star people ;)

believe me... it's not just jetstar.. its also business and economy passengers travelling on qantas (or any other one world airline)

it really is time there was a dedicated first class lounge... and the benefits that would bring including more $ for better champagnes and better food ingredients. more convenient access to showers during transit stops. no body pinching my daily mail at the singapore lounge. it's going to be even worse with an influx of golds with their free First class lounge passes.

first class lounge access based on status always reminds me of the fish market where a man was talking to a customer... while doing so a lobster crawled out of the $5 pot into the $10 pot. 'social climbers everywhere' the fishmonger remarked... :D
Its funny that you say my posts are negative, when the reality is, there is nothing else they can be. They are in response to what I perceive to be negative posts, with little to no positive side to them.

Its not so much as a difference of opinion. Everyones entitled to that, but its this sense of WP's expecting and demanding certain things that I find mentally draining.

I have read many of your posts, and ill go out on a limb and say that, to me it seems you'd be one of QF's most valuable customers. You and your staff are P1's and you always fly paid F and I've never once seen you carry on like some WP's do.

I understand...... But some of these WP's use this forum to vent their frustrations rather than doing the whole DYKWIA stuff at the airline staff. I NEVER travel in Y so I don't have that particular issue regarding row 4..... However IF I ever flew in Y, my expectation would be that I would get 4C on a 737 and a shadow seat. If I didn't I would not be happy.

I was absolutely Pi$$ed off earlier this year as I was allocated 1K LHR-MEL instead of 1A. To many they would have seen that as very trivial. I like what I like and I'm prepared to pay for it. Ultimately I was given my usual seat but at the time I was annoyed.

Remember Wilco, that as human beings we are all very different. We have different concepts of what makes us happy and in the time I've been on this planet I've always tried to live and let live.

Sent from my iPad using AustFreqFly App
Re: Qantas thanks its most loyal customers

This is what i just don't get.... If you can have an element of indifference on the train, why does this change when the mode of transport is an aircraft??

Probably because my bum will spend more time in said plane seat than it will on the train.

Im not against the complainant for having a seat preference or even being a little pissed that he didn't get it, but to spy on someone else and get upset that she got "his" seat when she is a "nobody" is just sad as is the suggestion he has been "wronged" by QF for giving the seat to her over him.

Who said he was spying? I've sat down plenty of times when someone has literally waved their boarding pass in front of your face. bit hard to miss! and 9 out of 10 times they are usually non status pax.

And some of the Y seats are quote prized (row 4 as an example) mainly due to extra legroom, so doesn't it sound logical that they should go to the top tier first? I mean only the top tier can select them first?

In Johns case his a/c was subbed (it's happened to me too) and it seems the system can't transpose from one to another (i.e. it put him in 5B and not a window or aisle). so shouldn't he feel annoyed especially if the seat he originally had went to someone else who is only a bronze? even more so when QF have set up the seating allocation in a way that platinums/CL get the best choice first off?

And no, I don't do PT and have not experienced the morning peak, but having grown up in London and catching the tube, I'm more than aware of how dire the situation can be but you know what, everyone is in it together and the last things anyone needs is some mr high and mighty thinking he deserves better.

And you can also do things to minimise being stuck with the crowd, or is that not allowed? I don't hear people on the train demanding anything. Regular commuters know the drill

As I have also explained in another thread, getting off the plane early also beats the cab queue.
I think any spare shadow seats should be given to those on full fare who might normally travel business class but were unable to because that cabin was sold out.

Absolutely within the right of QF to do that......or any airline.

Just as it is within the right of me as a WP to switch and fly VA if I have the perception that they show me love as a status FF and QF don't.

I take your point - but you fall into the usual trap of confusing value vs loyalty - which I have argued about ad nauseum on other threads.

The shadow (and row 4 seating) is not a given right.

But to be honest - if I'm choosing my next domestic flight, as a self funded traveller - one of my main reasons for choosing QF is that I have a very high chance of getting row 4. On a 3 hour flight CNS-SYD, this makes a big difference to me.

And unless you are lending me your Diamond-studded, Triple-Platinum, Gold-encrusted Amex Super Centurian, then I can't afford Business Class.

There is a reason I choose to fly QF as a Platinum rather than save money and fly with JQ or VA. And comfort is one of them.

I know I'm not guaranteed row 4, but I usually do get it at T-80.

I know I'm not guaranteed a shadow - and I usually don't think I get one, but am lucky to have a WP in 4A who does have a shadow.

I am NOT a person who will suddenly cough up a J fare because I'm forced to by QF withdrawing the row 4 perk - instead - my response will be to fly VA.

Your AA argument is accurate - but not relevant here. No one is suggesting AA-style unlimited status upgrade to Business Class.

But your argument that people don't buy Business Class because they can get Row 4 is false IMO. There is no guarantee, and most FF's who can afford J (or are flying on someone's else's dime) will buy J.

And as far as International is concerned (which is my major concern when choosing a FF program) - I wish I could afford J more often but I can't.

QF is not the cheapest on transpacifics, and TBH - the fact that I can choose a bulkhead or 80A/K, is almost the ONLY reason I fly QF on my regular transpacific flights.

If I lost that ability to do so reliably - VA or DL or NZ would have me in a heartbeat.

So much for the argument that my response would be to cough up a J fare - nope - QF would instead lose my small but not insignificant revenue.
I understand...... But some of these WP's use this forum to vent their frustrations rather than doing the whole DYKWIA stuff at the airline staff. I NEVER travel in Y so I don't have that particular issue regarding row 4..... However IF I ever flew in Y, my expectation would be that I would get 4C on a 737 and a shadow seat. If I didn't I would not be happy.

I was absolutely Pi$$ed off earlier this year as I was allocated 1K LHR-MEL instead of 1A. To many they would have seen that as very trivial. I like what I like and I'm prepared to pay for it. Ultimately I was given my usual seat but at the time I was annoyed.

Remember Wilco, that as human beings we are all very different. We have different concepts of what makes us happy and in the time I've been on this planet I've always tried to live and let live.

Several things Boss... if you ever flew Y I doubt you'd be on a $69 red e deal and Qantas should kiss your backside because you are a very valuable customer. I think the inference that being WP makes you important and valuable is flawed. If someone wanted to be WP so desperately, it could be done for less than $5k on AA YUPPS with little to no revenue going to QF. You on the other hand spend this on a o/w F seat and given that you stump up the cash, you should be entitled to your preferences.

As for your last sentence, well, there is no arguing with that. I just wish that they would/could live somewhere else....
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Wilco you have been on AFF for 3 months.JohnK since 2005.Those who have been around since then have heard numerous tales of WPs getting upgrades and the platinum shadow.For what it is worth Johnk invariably misses out.It is indeed the "Days of our lives'segment of AFF.He is just being human seeing other people get perks that he with the same status misses out on.
What I dont understand is people who do not know johnk,who were not on the plane in question,can accuse him of spying,stalking,being demanding,conceited or stupid all of which you have done.I really cant understand how you think these are not negative statements.
As to BPs.As I have said many pax virtually shove them in your face or leave them on a tray table.i admit to looking at statusbut have never taken note of name or number.I really dont see what is wrong especially when on boarding the FA gives my name out to everyone in earshot.
Several things Boss... if you ever flew Y I doubt you'd be on a $69 red e deal and Qantas should kiss your backside because you are a very valuable customer. I think the inference that being WP makes you important and valuable is flawed. If someone wanted to be WP so desperately, it could be done for less than $5k on AA YUPPS with little to no revenue going to QF. You on the other hand spend this on a o/w F seat and given that you stump up the cash, you should be entitled to your preferences.

you don't know what people spend on their ticket - some fly weekly on red edeals some fly a couple of times a month on flex fares. you cannot say who is more valuable, and the discussion has been done to death a number of times.

As for your last sentence, well, there is no arguing with that. I just wish that they would/could live somewhere else....

I really do wonder why you are on this forum wilco with comments like this..
Re: Qantas thanks its most loyal customers

<snip> Im not against the complainant for having a seat preference or even being a little pissed that he didn't get it, but to spy on someone else and get upset that she got "his" seat when she is a "nobody" is just sad as is the suggestion he has been "wronged" by QF for giving the seat to her over him .

Thats the only point I'm trying to make. <snip>

I think you need to re-read his original few posts.
  • His complaint was that he had originally selected a forward aisle seat.
  • Due to the aircraft changes he was then put into a middle seat (5B).
  • Due to a bug in the seat selection system he wasn't able to select another seat until he went to check in.
  • His preferred aisle seats (4C/D) weren't available so he chose 4F (window seat).
His complaint is not the the woman seated next to him in 4E "stole" his seat as this is a middle seat which he had not chosen and would not typically prefer to choose.

His complaint is that on a lightly loaded aircraft (as this flight appeared to be) QF would typically spread the passenger load around the cabin to increase passenger comfort rather than load up full rows of seats.

It is known that (rightly or wrongly) QF typically retain row 4 for higher status pax, so it was a bit surprising that QF would allocate the middle seat in row 4 to a person with no QF status on a lightly laden flight.

I think that's the point he was trying to make.
Re: Qantas thanks its most loyal customers

At the end of the day, Cabin and fare should always trump status, and you are both, which is a formidable combination.

One small detail which you seem to have overlooked......

Cabin and Fare are required on a regular basis to have Status.

I haven't earned WP from being a once a year MEL-OOL leisure flyer.


OK everyone - time out for 10 mins..... I need to go and put on another pot of coffee....... This is great :)
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