Skyring you are correct, we have all started to complain about the lack of offers at WOW now, but hey, this is a public forum and you can chose to read or ignore this thread as you wish. I think its important to chat about the good and the bad in regard to the EDR program, and even really negative comments in here are still on topic in my opinion, so I see nothing wrong.
The problem is that we AFF mob are clever, really clever, we know what we like and we get upset when we can't get what we want. EDR has been a good little points earner for us all but everything comes to an end eventually. Things will change and there will be other opportunities, for all we know the Flybuys marketing team may be reading this thread and planning a program to move all us AFF over to their loyalty program, yes its a remote chance, but it is possible...
The sad thing is that because we are all clever here, we look for other opportunities elsewhere, we move on to the next "big thing" and WOW lose most of our loyalty as result, however Mr & Mrs Average who are not as aware as most of us here are now being loyal and rewarded less, I read this as WOW in a better position on all fronts, and the customer now paying for less.
For all we know the good old days at EDR will not return, and the "game" has already been played. WOW may now have their target market share and now it is time to improve the bottom line. Smoke and mirrors trick perhaps or even the ol bait & switch....?
Anyway we only shop at WOW on the odd occasion, we cycle the family's EDR cards, activate only the reasonable offers and forget the rest. We pay only with a discounted wish card, we no longer spend at BWS or WOW liquor, we go out of our way a little to go to Dan Murphy with our wish cards and get a price lower than the "nobody beats Dan Murphy's" price. We always buy fuel when it is cheap (Bottom of cycle - ADL low price ~$1.32/L) we use the large fuel discount vouchers only and don't use the standard 4c vouchers as there is no value there. When we get fuel we get as much as we can and fill two cars on the one voucher, in most cases this is approximately ~120L and on the high vouchers netts ~900 QFF. The fuel purchase is on a 5% discounted wish card so effectively we get both a $ discount and points from fuel, claim the GST back from the fuel for business use, tax deductible the rest and the fuel comes out at less than $1/L
This forum is a wealth of information, thanks to people such as cove I rarely fly whY, and life is good at the front of the bus...
Sure it is harder to do a trolley run, or harvest low lying EDR bonus points, but we still try to play to our advantage. After all its just a "game" and sometimes the fun is in playing and not necessarily winning... But when you do win, that keeps you interested in playing the game once again