Deborah Hutton in J on QF31 SIN-LHR on 17 April. She must've been up in Emerald City (we were in row 17) as she came back towards the rear of J or to the Y+ cabin perhaps, twice during the flight. I was wondering if it was a friend back there, or a nanny with her child. <evil grin> Had J PJs on, so she hadn't come up the stairs from F.
On QF32 on the way home on Mon 9/5, saw a producer from the Today show check in. Not all that interesting, but we did wonder if she had flown over with Karl and was involved in those shenanigans.
At LAX T4 security line on Sat 14/5, I'm sure I saw Cote de Pablo (Agent Ziva David on NCIS). She was being escorted by a man in a black suite through security, etc. I guess she ended up in the AA Flagship lounge; as my points from SIN-BNE hadn't processed yet, I was still only SG as far as QF and AA knew, so had to slum it in the regular admiral's club.
MIL was rather disappointed we didn't see more famous people on our trip (Deborah Hutton was the only one, and MIL didn't spot her on the flight). We did see Kevin Rudd and chat to him in Villers-Bretonneux on ANZAC day, but that wasn't in-flight or lounging, so that doesn't count here, does it?