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during the Princess Diamond issue a ship Engineer was posting on Cruise Critic forum and he said the air conditioning on ships doesn't allow transmission of the virus. I glazed over at the technical explanation. And same with planes - the air is filtered continuously. The issue with meat packing is close proximity and the chill required to safely handle meat and which the virus likes, as opposed to heat.My hunch, based on no knowledge or science whatsoever, is that air conditioning, and in particular, the type that recirculates air albeit filtered, is a major contributor to the spread of the virus. Hence the high transmission rates on cruise ships, planes, and meatworks etc.
My hunch, based on no knowledge or science whatsoever, is that air conditioning, and in particular, the type that recirculates air albeit filtered, is a major contributor to the spread of the virus. Hence the high transmission rates on cruise ships, planes, and meatworks etc.
My hunch, based on no knowledge or science whatsoever, is that air conditioning, and in particular, the type that recirculates air albeit filtered, is a major contributor to the spread of the virus. Hence the high transmission rates on cruise ships, planes, and meatworks etc.
It is Grandma's evidence that viruses love the cold.Why then does Townsville sometimes have lots of influenza in their winter when the temp is ~ 24C-ie about the same as a Tasmanian summer.
Back during WW2 and after this was refuted.People were sent out on to the English Downs in winter by themselves.None got a common cold.But when brought back to the barracks they did.
Then people at other times inoculated with a common cold virus.No difference in the appearance of symptoms in hot or cold temperatures.
There is a major difference between ships and planes.
It has been reported ships recirculate at least 30% of the air without HEPA filters.
As far as I have read so far, all modern planes are fitted with HEPA filters and the air gets cycled very frequently. In addition there are no proven cases of transmission on a plane anywhere in the world so far.
There are hundreds of cases of infection on ships, where infection via air-conditioning is not yet proven, but suspected, especially for cabins with no direct access to fresh air via open-able windows or balconies. The jury is out.
As for the Victorian meat packing plant, I have not seen any comprehensive analysis released as yet on the numbers suspected as infected at the plant or alternatively via secondary contact. Also I have no knowledge of their air-conditioning or other processes.
Someone with more information in the relevant industries may care to respond.
The absolute strongest message - wash your hands, wash your hands wash your hands wash your hands
While important, I think that most transmissions have occurred from being in close proximity to an infected person. So maintain you distance, maintain your distance and maintain your distance![]()
Indeed that is what FNQ folk do in winter.Although I know I'm boxing above my weight, let me reply:
People in Townsville in winter behave more like Tas winter , not Tas summer - congregate more indoors (shivering, no doubt, poor souls) or at packed footy/rugby stadiums, hence more opportunity for virus to spread person-to-person. In cold, rainy climates, viruses (in general) can survive the cold, damp environments, better than in hot, dry environments (ie surfaces) - although not talking about humid Nth Australia here.
The WW2 example merely proved that the 'cold' doesn't create 'the cold', rather it spreads by contact, yes? And inoculation with the virus - sure, all will get it, hot or cold, but we are talking about transmission, aren't we?
Indeed that is what FNQ folk do in winter.
In fact it seems football matches can be a potent source of viral infection.Especially higher grade matches.People shouting and singing in a loud voice can project their droplets a lot further.Top league soccer matches are thought to have caused the problems in Bergamo,Italy and in I believe Valencia in Spain.
Yes they did inoculate volunteers and ambient temperatures made no difference in the numbers developing symptoms.Which means that people are more likely to get a respiratory viral illness in cold weather because they congregate more indoors.
Just one correction you said footy/rugby matches,now if you meant footy as in AFL that is not really what goes on.Plenty of distance as very few spectators especially if a Cowboys match is on the same day.
Yep, if you are not in the same environment as infected people, then infection likelihood is greatly reduced. Staying at home is the safest. If you are going out stay as far away from from others as you can, try not to touch surfaces, don't touch your face, and wash/sanitise your hands regularly.
The message I picked up from the long video was that virus transmission via surfaces maybe where most of the Pacific Princess patients may have been infected. Separately research seems to reveal the jury is out on the 1.5-2M spacing and that 6m+ might be the danger zone if someone coughs.
I read somewhere, not sure where, reverse cycle air-conditioning (on heating mode) may exacerbate because either infection spread is higher or we are more susceptible in dryer atmospheric conditions. Is that what you have also read?
So, as expected ..... lockdown will not be lifted in the UK. Manufacturing and construction workers are allowed to go to work now, ideally not by public transport. What kind of bubble do these guys live in?
Unlimited amounts of exercise now rather than once per day, but still only with your immediate household etc.
There is a new alert system and ranges from 1 to 5. While in lockdown we've been considered to be 4 on that scale, with 1 being the disease is 'no longer there'.
Schools (primary) to start opening from early June is the current plan, in a phased approach.
Step 3, earliest by July.... if the numbers support it, then they'll look at allowing hospitality places to open like restaurants etc.
As expected, a non-committal statement around 14 days quarantine on international arrivals by air only; "we plan that we may do this" and there was no timeline given. There was a lack of mentioning ports which shows the discussions at DfT have been disregarded and instead the Home Office has come up with a half-baked statement, etc.
I must admit the UK message is very ambiguous. I told my friend in London that I wouldn't be coming for Christmas and she her niece from Melbourne is coming and has booked her tickets. She thinks it will be fine because they are family. She is in la la land and won't listen to science. Plus there is going to be another wave in a few months I think (just a guess)