OK. I don't get your attempt at humour.
I guess I was rather non to subtly suggesting that there are several ways to achieve status and the majority of us try do do it the most efficient and cost effective way. In many respects chasing the lowest cost fare has similarities with using MASA's. Neither will be particularly cost effective for QF, who would much rather us all pay the highest fare possible, but both earn status.
As for these changes costing QF I think the jury is out on that one for me. In the short term the incentive has gone for me to earn points and thus pick QF over VA for that purpose. In the long run QF may get more out of me on international travel. It's too hard to call at the moment and the critical year for me begins in August 2015.
QF appears to have been the odd one out with MASA's so when they were introduced they could see something people at other airlines couldn't, or they probably were not the most profitable fare for QF. (My money is on the latter.) (Or as serfty commented elsewhere they were an unintended consequence.
Like you I get frustrated by the DSC offers, but it is a tool to get cash in and I would guess it is an effective one. We grumble and moan, but both of us are still with QF earning status every year.
I'm beginning to mellow a little and appreciate that different people want different things from the FF program, some of those things align with my requirements some don't but ultimately your requirements are no less legitimate than mine. Whilst ATA was not a big deal for me I was happy to pitch in and complain to QF about it's withdrawal. Devaluation is bad whatever the benefit is, so you can understand some are disappointed by the removal of MASA's and others are very disappointed by the lower SC earn on OW airlines. The latter has little impact on me, (30 SC's on OW carriers in 8 months and 3565 SC's on QF in the same period.) but it is a major devaluation so I have aired my concerns.
We are all in the same boat, if this months devaluation doesn't impact you the next one might, or the next one.
So only 60 MEL-SYD return flights for WP?
Exactly, crazy isn't it. All of these people earning WP so cheap and for only 180 hours(ish) flying. You wonder how QF makes money at all. Might as well just give status away in a cereal packet.
* whatmeworry allow me to introduce sarcasm, sarcasm this is Mr whatmeworry.