I've got an interesting story about a problem with Macquarie I thought I'd share:
I got the Macquarie platinum in February, and had no issues with it aside from the annoyance of not being able to change the PIN. About two months ago I received a letter from my health insurer saying that the direct debit had been declined, they were going to do the next one for double the amount to catch up, and I should ensure I have enough money for it to go through. There should have only been $1k on the card so nowhere near the credit limit, so I went online to check, and everything looked good. Since it's a regular fortnightly payment which is always for the same amount (of under $50) it shouldn't have been a problem.
I called up and after a while on hold got through to a helpful woman. She said the limit shouldn't be an issue, so she'd check the rejected payment. After putting me on hold for a minute to confer with someone else, she said that the BUPA direct debits were always done around 1:00-1:30am, and they had an IT upgrade done that night and a small number of payments got rejected, and apologised for it occurring. I work in IT so I know things don't always go to plan, and since it wasn't for a company that charges you for rejected payments, I left it at that.
Two months later, I receive another letting from the health insurance saying the same thing - the problem had happened again. I called back up and the person I got this time was rather less helpful. After spending 10 minutes going back and forwards trying to find the payment (it took that long to get her to understand it wasn't in the transaction list because it wasn't successful), she told me that they have IT upgrades done and while systems are down it rejects payments. Rather than being a one-off incident, she made it sound like they were planned outages, and the plan was to just reject payments. She said that I should avoid putting payments through at 1am because they do upgrades then, and I should ask the merchant to change the time! :evil:
I needed to be elsewhere soon, so didn't ask to talk to a supervisor then, but did call back up the next day. They were a bit apologetic, but I didn't actually get very far - they just said they'd pass the issue on to their "account team" to look into. I'm giving them a few days to do that, before I harass them again.
While I don't work for a bank, I do have some idea about how they work. Plenty of banks have problems, but I've never heard planned upgrades as an excuse to reject credit card payments before. Dealing with it is pretty easy:
* do sanity checks
* record the transaction info for later, and accept the payment
* when everything is back up, run though the log of pending transactions and process them
* if a pending payment turns out to be bad and it normally wouldn't have been accepted, dealt with it then: send a letter if they went over their credit limit or pass it to the fraud department.
I'm hoping they come up with something better to tell me, but I'm not holding my breath for it. I was planning to swich cards at the end of the year anyway (for more sign-up bonuses

but will probably do it sooner now.