After being a long term user of MyUs I am no longer using them. Last shipment my freight was ridiculously expensive.
I use multiple stores in the one shipment so it sounds like this is another issue.
Who are you going to use now then?
ShipitTo would be my guess. I have an account with them and will trial them on my next purchase I think.
Just a quick note as I just joined due to the Amex promotion. Was excited to order from SEPHORA but then was advised that Sephora was cancelling my order and would not deliver to my unique address as they had numerous customers already with this address! End of story. I have emailed my US twice so far to advise them with no response so far .............
As far as I know there is no way of knowing which companies will supply to My US and which ones won't. Of course you know they will supply from the ones listed on their own website.
I'm noticing some online US retailers now explicitly state that they will not deliver to shipping/forwarding addresses. I'm not sure why they would do so, unless they are of course making some sort of profit on the shipping itself.
Absolutely agree. Consider my most recent investigations - Lego using their own online shop. Items that are available in both Australia and the US, the price depends on what region your profile is set to. For example a set that costs say AUD$25, shipping to Australia starts at AUD$40, however if you spend over AUD$150 shipping to Australia is free. Now switch your profile to the US (you also get a wider variety of items to choose from), but the same item, will cost about USD$13, shipping is about USD$20 and free shipping applies on orders over USD$75.I believe it's also the companies selling the products imposing restrictions. Why sell it cheap to someone in Australia via freight forwarding when they can charge double the price here...
Try this site:
Price USA | Shop where you want
Very reliable, used them a few times before MyUS, am switching back to them now...
Yes. And here's the catch. You don't get the Amex discount if you don't use dhl or FedEx. Fedex needs to have a value over $1,000 which opens you up to import duty and GSt which for many items negates the benefit from shopping overseas.
Any good alternatives as myus won't be getting any more of my business