Much worse from what I'm hearing. People with good ADSL2 connections are often going backwards. As I've only got ADSL1, I at least have a chance of a speed improvement.
It's not going to be fixed whilst the ISPs can get away with it, or NBN has such a silly charging regime. Apparently if they hit their target speed for just one minute per day, they consider it OK!. If a billing system were mandated by the ACCC, that forced the ISPs to reduce their pricing based on the average download speed (NOT CONNECTION speed) then we might see some movement. It might get rid of the fraudulent 'up to' claims. We can understand that the connection speed can be limited by the technology, but if you have 50 meg/sec connection, and buy a 50 meg plan, but only achieve 10meg...then the charge should simply be 20%. With a sliding scale, and nothing else, they would have incentive. I they have any way of weaselling out, (i.e. by breaking the charge up into imaginary sub charges) we know that they would use it.
I thought the previous FTTH was a boondoggle. Sadly the replacement system is simply a waste of money.