Having now gotten used to how the new site works (very well

), I've now come back to the AFF style from the Xenforo standard, not because I prefer the AFF style but because, we've been told, that the Xenforo won't be available forever, so I may as well get with the program now.
But I still think the weakest part of the style is the faint-ness of the quoted text. I see JT's comment above that the "style is fixed", but given that its overall an AFF modification of the Xenforo Standard, it
appears to be able to be changed, unless the developer has locked it, in layman's terms.
I appreciate that changes cost money, but I'm hoping that the quoted text thing is on the 'to do' list of
@Admin and
@support (shivers ... never thought I'd use twitter-talk!). Perhaps they can settle this for us - is it not possible/not going to be changed, or is it under consideration or is it even on the list of likely changes?
Yes, but quoted text can be new content too. For instance in the 'Travel news' forum, if the post is about an article somewhere, the 'form' is to quote from the article (especially if its pay-walled), link to it and discuss. If its pay-walled, although a reader here can get round it via Google, I tend to make longer quotes so the post is more-or-less self contained. Having 3 or 4 paras of the faint text isn't user-friendly when the faint text is the core of the post or thread.